The Student Room Group

Pale skin

I have a thing where every so often my skin goes pale. Im often dark around the eyes from tiredness and im generally dark round hte eyes with dark brown eye brows and dark brown hair fringe and eyes. and lots of freckles.

I dont spend large amounts of time in the sun and dont sunbathe but i often have red in my face especially around my nose (where i burnt as a baby and its sorta a constant reminder of it). But lately ive just gone really pale at odd times, i dont always feel drained at hte time though often do later.

My parents started noticing i was pale, i didnt know it was happening at all. They assumed it was a few too many late nights, but has happened on and off for a few weeks. I just thought im tired, or something disagreed with me or its too hot so i feel drained, obviously its something a little more.

Any idea what it is? and probably how to cover it up as if it happens at home its probably happening at school and my parents say it makes me look draedfully ill so not a good look.
Reply 1
why don't you try some fake tan?
Reply 2
I have a thing where every so often my skin goes pale. Im often dark around the eyes from tiredness and im generally dark round hte eyes with dark brown eye brows and dark brown hair fringe and eyes. and lots of freckles.

I dont spend large amounts of time in the sun and dont sunbathe but i often have red in my face especially around my nose (where i burnt as a baby and its sorta a constant reminder of it). But lately ive just gone really pale at odd times, i dont always feel drained at hte time though often do later.

My parents started noticing i was pale, i didnt know it was happening at all. They assumed it was a few too many late nights, but has happened on and off for a few weeks. I just thought im tired, or something disagreed with me or its too hot so i feel drained, obviously its something a little more.

Any idea what it is? and probably how to cover it up as if it happens at home its probably happening at school and my parents say it makes me look draedfully ill so not a good look.

Possible, if not altogether probable.
Reply 3

Was about to suggest that. It may not be though.
pale skin is sexy
pale skin is sexy

dead people are sexy?
dead people are sexy?

What? :rolleyes:
Reply 7
oooh necrophilia..... or not

and i am a guy who most ppl assume not to be the tanning type so a fake tan may not be best.
Reply 8
is anemia genetic?

i know my nan has this, and takes medicine, i never really went to link this to anemia so have no idea.
My mum has also had it for a period so its in the family whether genetically transmitted or not i do not know?
If it's anemia you need to eat your greens!

You can get lotion which gradually develops a tan. I'm quite pale and it looks natural on me.
Reply 10
drink lots of water
Reply 11
Im naturally very pale and also have anaemia....deadly concoction grr.
Reply 12
If it's anemia you need to eat your greens!

You can get lotion which gradually develops a tan. I'm quite pale and it looks natural on me.

care to name this lotion? :smile:

and thanks will look at the highest iron foods which i like :smile:
tanned skin all the way
Reply 14
^Your avatar spells that out.
Reply 15
care to name this lotion? :smile:

There is a whole range out at the moment combining fake tan and lotion, nearly all the skin ranges do it in some variation. Some examples are Johnson's Holiday Skin, Dove's Summer Glow, Garnier Summer Body etc. etc. Have a look in Superdrug or Boots and you'll find them. In my experience, Dove Summer Glow is the best one.

All you gotta do is apply like lotion before bed (but remember it has fake tan it so remember to be thorough and not apply it streakily or heavily to certain places, and not at all to some places like eyebrows!) and in the morning it will have come out - if you want to go darker then apply more the next night etc till you get the colour you want.

Hope this was helpful :smile:
Some types of anaemia are genetic. Sickle cell, for example.