I have a thing where every so often my skin goes pale. Im often dark around the eyes from tiredness and im generally dark round hte eyes with dark brown eye brows and dark brown hair fringe and eyes. and lots of freckles.
I dont spend large amounts of time in the sun and dont sunbathe but i often have red in my face especially around my nose (where i burnt as a baby and its sorta a constant reminder of it). But lately ive just gone really pale at odd times, i dont always feel drained at hte time though often do later.
My parents started noticing i was pale, i didnt know it was happening at all. They assumed it was a few too many late nights, but has happened on and off for a few weeks. I just thought im tired, or something disagreed with me or its too hot so i feel drained, obviously its something a little more.
Any idea what it is? and probably how to cover it up as if it happens at home its probably happening at school and my parents say it makes me look draedfully ill so not a good look.