The Student Room Group


I went shopping yesterday, and the temperature reached 32 degrees. Usually i get some sort of heat/ sweat rash at the end of the day, however yesterday it had spread all over both of my calves.

Does anyone know how i could prevent or cure these rashes? cos they really bug me, and make me itch, and like a child i can't stop scratching :frown:

cheers gem
unfinished sympathy
I went shopping yesterday, and the temperature reached 32 degrees. Usually i get some sort of heat/ sweat rash at the end of the day, however yesterday it had spread all over both of my calves.

Does anyone know how i could prevent or cure these rashes? cos they really bug me, and make me itch, and like a child i can't stop scratching :frown:

cheers gem

maybe an allergic reaction to something? I got one yesterday, started rubbing the inside of my elbow joint....and stop itching!!!
i wish it would go, it's doing my head in! i don''t think it is, i get them whenever i go to Benidorm for the day, hmmmm maybe its Benidorm!
unfinished sympathy
i wish it would go, it's doing my head in! i don''t think it is, i get them whenever i go to Benidorm for the day, hmmmm maybe its Benidorm!

Give the place a good spanking when you next go there :smile:

i.e. i knocked my knee against the kitchen table yesterday, and i kicked the table back as revenge. Tell it/'em who's the boss :cool:
you could use talkum powder to keep the area dry, or wear looser clothing that does not ristric your skin so much, the only place i ever get heat rash is at the very top of my theigh. But it makes it so uncomfortable to walk! I havent got any for a while thou, it ussualy happens when you sweat a lot and then stay in sweat soaked clothes ie during excersize.
Give the place a good spanking when you next go there :smile:

i.e. i knocked my knee against the kitchen table yesterday, and i kicked the table back as revenge. Tell it/'em who's the boss :cool:

You show em!! :smile:

i never wear tight fitting clothing, i wear loads of linens and cottons- natural fabric. Yesterday i wore some three quarter length white linen trousers,and the rashes are worse than ever! (Shame cos they're gorgeous pants! )
unfinished sympathy
You show em!! :smile:

i never wear tight fitting clothing, i wear loads of linens and cottons- natural fabric. Yesterday i wore some three quarter length white linen trousers,and the rashes are worse than ever! (Shame cos they're gorgeous pants! )

I feel really sorry for you :rolleyes:
I feel really sorry for you :rolleyes:

so you should :smile:
unfinished sympathy
so you should :smile:

Hmmm :confused: :biggrin:
Hmmm :confused: :biggrin:

You mean you don't! :biggrin:
Reply 10
I have recently started getting really itchy on my arms and legs. I went to the doctors and seem to have come to the conclusion that it might be hayfever related which ive only been affected by this year. I've been prescribd some allergy tablets and on the packet it says they are to be used for hayfecer and itchy skin so maybe you could use something like this. Or something you can get over the counter like piriton?
unfinished sympathy
You mean you don't! :biggrin:

meh, ok, i do care then, pfft :smile:
I have recently started getting really itchy on my arms and legs. I went to the doctors and seem to have come to the conclusion that it might be hayfever related which ive only been affected by this year. I've been prescribd some allergy tablets and on the packet it says they are to be used for hayfecer and itchy skin so maybe you could use something like this. Or something you can get over the counter like piriton?

right thanks :biggrin: i'll go to the farmacia tomorrow :smile: