The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Shaving them, lol my friend has a mono, and he shaved it, and it grew back REALLY thick. but if you ain't gonna shave it......................... i've heard urine works well. but i ain't tried it.
Reply 2 i'll pass out this time... but thanx... any more 'creative' proposals?
does shaving really work? i have very fine eyebrow hair and would like it thicker to frame my face. don't pluck though. my mum did that and they never properly grew back.
Maybe try plucking.
It may hurt a bit but the removal is for quite a while whereas shaving causes the hair to grow back quickly.

You could try dying it a light colour or using a specialist cream to remove it.

Alternatively, if you're really serious, try speaking to a beautician about electrolysis - this is permanent and involves a small electrode being placed in the hair follicle.
A current is then applied and the hair root destroyed and the hair permanently removed.
I'm not too sure about this though - you'll have to check it out.

Hope this helps and good luck :wink:
Reply 5
try reading the thread next time.

OP- you could always dye them black?!
Reply 6
Get an eyebrow kit and it'll save all the hassle.
Maybe try plucking.
It may hurt a bit but the removal is for quite a while whereas shaving causes the hair to grow back quickly.

You could try dying it a light colour or using a specialist cream to remove it.

Alternatively, if you're really serious, try speaking to a beautician about electrolysis - this is permanent and involves a small electrode being placed in the hair follicle.
A current is then applied and the hair root destroyed and the hair permanently removed.
I'm not too sure about this though - you'll have to check it out.

Hope this helps and good luck :wink:

hehehe, you're giving the opposite answer.:rolleyes:
Sometimes if you shave them off completely they don't grow back properly so be careful (unless you want half a left brow or summat lol)
hehehe, you're giving the opposite answer.:rolleyes:

Ooops :eek: :eek: :eek:

Sorry I assumed the thread was by someone who was having trouble with excessive eyebrow hair :p: well obviously :rolleyes:

Please forgive me.

But are you really sure you want thick eyebrows?

Check out :wink:
Reply 10
lol @ you knowing there's a site called ............
Sorry, query; why do you want big eyebrows?
(edited 4 years ago)
dude I have eyebrows like wolverine.
don't go there.
Reply 14
It's all very well growing them as a fashion accessory, but reversing it will be much harder.