The Student Room Group

How do you prioritise your work?


I went for an interview yesterday and it was a horrible structured interview. Anyway, one of the questions was "How do you priorotise your workload to make sure the most important things get done?"

I hate this question and never properly know how to answer it. Anyone know what a good answer would be?

Anyone else had that question? How did you answer it? Just so I know for next time I get that horrid question.


Karen x
Reply 1
Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow.
Reply 2
Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow.

Reply 3
It's all to do with deadlines. This is what I was taught in time management.

You can have things that can be done anytime. low priority C
Important but not Urgent no deadline, medium priority B
Urgent with a deadline high/medium priority A/B depends on deadline date
Urgent and Important with a deadline high priority A

Do all your A's first then B's and then C's if you do not get time to complete them all keep an eye on the C's but never forget about them. If you need help from another team member then ask for it.
Reply 4
But I mean what do I say in the interview when they ask that question?
Reply 5
I would say that you'd prioritise at the tasks in relation to how much they'd affect other tasks, deadlines, and how long they take. Thus starting the longer ones earlier, making sure the ones with high impact are completed so that other tasks are completed more efficiently/completely and making sure you start tasks early enough to meet deadlines.