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Feeling sick all the time

My long term boyfriend (almost two years) recently broke up with me and i'm still deeply in love with him but he doesn't want to be with me. I have been feeling physically sick all the time, but when i go to be sick nothing comes out. I have phases where i'm really hungry but when i go to eat i can't do it i just can't swallow it, and i have phases where i'm just not hungry at all and just have a total loss of appetite. I just have a horrible tingly feeling in my stomach and throat all the time and i just want to cry (not due to feeling sick, due to the ex situation), just wondering does anybody have any explanations as to why this is making me feel sick and if there is anything i can do about it? Well it isn't always making me feel 'sick' as such but i just have a constant extremely unpleasant feeling inside of me all of the time. Thanks in advance.
Reply 1
I had this once. Lasted for ages and I lost a load of weight. Can't really explain it other than 'emotional trauma' and your body just reacts I guess. I dunno. It will subside given time, I know it's not nice.
Reply 2
I've had that too, it's one of the most awful feelings in the world :frown:

All I can say is that it will take time but good luck, it will be okay :suith:
Reply 3
It's awful...i know your pain and have felt it. The best thing is to try and look to the future, as bunthuhlu said, it will take time, but you can do it!
Reply 4
Wow i never realised that so many people had experienced it too, at least i'm not the only one but sorry that you had to go through that. It is horrible and i don't know what i can do about it, looking into the future just upsets me even more as i know i can't be with him! Thanks for your help x
Reply 5
Yeah that happens unfortunately. It's so bloomin' cliche, but time really is the only answer. You think at the time that it'll never end but it does, rest assured :smile:
Reply 6
Thanks! I want it to go away :frown: Well at least i can lose some weight lol, but i'd rather be back to normal again and i want him back!
Heya, I had something like this a few years ago, one day I just randomly started to feel really sick and I'd be up all night in the bathroom convinced I'd be sick but I never ever was. It was put down to stress (as at the time, despite only being thirteen, I had a LOT going on- I had school, 4 dance lessons a week, plays to rehearse for during lunchtime and after school and half term and also had to go to all these advanced maths and science classes during lunchtimes to take level 8 SATS or something.. ridiculous!)
But it didn't feel psychological at all, it felt very VERY physical it was so real in my mind. Anyway it sort of escalated in a way, in that I then began to feel sick espescially when I was having anxiety attacks, which were ironically, brought on by the illness because I'd get them at the thought of leaving the house- because I would always be scared I'd go out and start to feel really sick and be sick and not be able to get home.. was evil!

It lasted, all in all, about a year and a half, in which time I was half going to school. And what got me over it in the end was I had to have a clinical psychologist who helped me understand what caused the problem and helped me to tackle it by doing relaxation technuiqes. Also my school were really supportive because they said if I was in school I could leave lessons any time I wanted and sit in the 'comfy-space' type thing, or I could go home any time I wanted which really helped with the whole 'I can't leave the house or I'll be in a trapped situation!' type thing..

So my advice to you would be to try and relax, when you start to feel ill don't dwell on it. Breathe deeply, lie down on your bed, listen to some relaxing music and just try and let go of those thoughts of your ex etc. And if it does get worse try speaking to someone, you can always get real help if it turns into a very big problem.

Good luck XXX
Reply 8
Yeah I went a through a few month period where I could hardly eat anything and would throw up in the mornings (but nothing would really come out). Doctors put it down to stress and depression. It passed eventually.
Reply 9
Yeah I went a through a few month period where I could hardly eat anything and would throw up in the mornings (but nothing would really come out). Doctors put it down to stress and depression. It passed eventually.

Passed eventually? As in 9 months?