The Student Room Group

former friend problems

ok, i started uni 2 years ago.

after the first year (after meeting lovely people in uni), i became very aware that my "best friends" from school were hardly even friends, let alone best ones. they would always leave me out of things, make me feel a bit stupid, generally piss me off really - but i don't think they ever really noticed...

so, about this time last year i "dumped" them. i left the pub early one night and never spoke to them again basically. i found new people to hang out with (people from school who were always my friends, i just didnt bother with them that much) and i love my new friends - don't get pissed off with them and have never slagged them off behind their backs to my family - which i always did with my old friends...

fast forward to this summer. one of them (my old friends i speak of are a pair of girls, by the way) has stayed up near her uni for the summer, and the other one now wants to make up with me and put it all behind us..

i reckon that she's only doing this cause the other one isn't here for her to bother with. what do you guys think? i want to text her and say that i dont want to meet up with her and just stay as we are (not friends) but i don't know what to write...

help me!

and i apologize for the long post - never done one this big before!
Well, you're not friends. Tell her as bluntly or as politely as you like. Personally if someone treated me that badly I'd tell them to piss off, unless I actually would've liked to be friends with them - real friends. In which case I'd meet up with them and explain (in an annoyed, but forgiving way) why I did it in the first place.

But if you don't want to see her, feel free just not to text her back. She's not your friend - it sounds like she deserves not being spoken to. (Unless, of course, she really didn't know what she was doing, in which case it's your responsibility to help her out there. She might be about to apologise... or she might seriously not have realised what she was doing. :smile:)

Sorry, can't help any more without actually knowing her... :biggrin:
Tell the bint to bint off.
Reply 3
haha, good idea!

the girl that wants to meet up is a bit dim really, the other girl that's away is the main problem. the 'meet-up' girl didnt really know what they were doing, i dont think - but then again, she must've known.

i'll speak to my friends at the weekend, just wanted some unbiased views really...
just wanted some unbiased views really...

Well the views you have are biased as we only have your side of the story...
Reply 5
ah, indeed.

you know what i mean though :redface:
Remember- you have new friends now! You don't need the old friend!! Reply 'what would [insert other friends name] think of this?' Be as cheeky as you want because you can bet they were cheeky about you behind your back after you stopped talking to them!