The Student Room Group

groin smell?

I need help or advice! I dont understand why my groin smells (im male and it is mainly at the folds at top of legs), im hygenic and have showers once or twice a day but a couple of hours after my shower my groin will sweat and give of a smell that isnt like sweat from any other part of my body, you cant smell it through my clothes (at lease i hope not lol) but theres a scent when i take my clothes off. Im just worried in case a gal wants to, ah you get the picture
Does anyone reccomend any shower products?, shaving totally? (i trim a bit)
Reply 1
If it doesn't smell like normal BO, and doesn't smell like dick cheese, you might have something you don't want.
Nah, it's normal. You shouldn't really be having two showers a day anyway, it's not necessary. That's probably why you notice it so much. Other people won't notice it or even care if they're anywhere near your groin.
Reply 3
thats what can happen in puberty

im 19
Reply 4
Have you had unprotected sex recently?
It's still normal. :rolleyes:
Try a bit of talcum powder down there after showering?
Reply 7
then you, my friend, should book a doctors appointment

What! People are over-reacting, that's completely normal.

EDIT: 100th post! woo! What a beautiful topic to be commenting on for it..
I mean, if you're desperate, I can lend you a scythe, but the smell of blood isn't nice either.
maybe you should book an appointment as well.... maybe go together

Maybe you got those four neg rep gems for a reason. Stop worrying people, it's really not fair.
Reply 10
^ I'm scared.
Reply 11
Twas a rather spaced out thing to say is all... lol

Ironic how this only points to your username. Does in my quote too. Good times. :smile:
and the award for the Most Pedantic Loser on TSR goes to.... some guy called generalebriety

Woo! :biggrin:
Reply 14
I love the way people get distracted from the original topic, my groin smell has led to an award ceremony :smile:
I love the way people get distracted from the original topic, my groin smell has led to an award ceremony :smile:

Where the hell did this anonymous guy come from? Get him off the stage right now. :confused:

Reply 16
I love the way people get distracted from the original topic, my groin smell has led to an award ceremony :smile:


that... just sounds to random.

"my groin smell has led to an award ceremony"


oh, and The-lennon, you have too much time to waste, really. go do something productive
Reply 17
no, its not normal.