The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Go to the doctors. A swelling in your throat can be very dangerous because if it gets worse it could restrict your breathing. Have you been eating anything unusual recently that you could be allergic to?
gargle with soluble paracetemol or aspirin, or failing that gargle with moutwash or saltwater. are your tonsils sore? whenever i get tonsilitis my uvula swells right up (last time it was actually sitting on my tongue!). Keep up your fluids and if it gets worse go to the doctor, though they'll probably just give you antibiotics.

I find that warm ribena is good also :smile:
Reply 3
It might be an infection which may require antibiotics. Mine was swollen when I was younger and the doc put me on antibiotics for it. Going to see someone about it would be the best idea.
Reply 4
Nope, I've not eaten anything out of the ordinary recently, I've booked in at the doctors, earliest he could book me in was tuesday though! I've gargled saltwater and plan on drinking regularly, I was just wondering if there was anything else I could do to reduce the uncomfortableness of it until I can actually get to the docs (and yeah, it is sitting on my tongue, feels very weird :s: )

Thanks for all your advice