The Student Room Group

Facebook Poking

Hey there
During these uni holidays i got tremendously bored and decided to poke this girl on "facebook" (this is a uni messaging thing in case sum of u dont know). After a few days she poked me back, which i dunno was a tad unexpected! thing is this girl is gorgeous and was wondering what cud i do next? any ideas or suggestions would be welcome. It's kinda sad i know, but i wasnt expecting her to poke back! ti prob is all fun and games but hey i was bored and have got a response
Reply 1
Uh if you ask me, you're reading way too far between the lines. It's just a pook for goodness sake!
poke her back again!
Reply 3

a) You're not alone
and b) Don't follow the song's advice.
Reply 4
That was a great song. :smile:

Anonymous #1: How about you have a little read of her bio or whatever and then send her a message asking her about herself?
Reply 5
How does facebook poking work? Can you randomly talk to anyone in your uni? If so i can't wait to use this when i go to uni!
Reply 6
How does facebook poking work? Can you randomly talk to anyone in your uni? If so i can't wait to use this when i go to uni!

Yep, as long as they've not ticked the box that says 'only let my friends see my profile'. You can see profiles of people from other unis as long as you're on their friend list, but they have to confirm that they know you before you're added. A poke basically sends a message saying 'you've been poked by so'n'so' and you can either poke them back or ignore it. That's it! Though it often descends into a totally pointless poke war that takes up too much time but is a very good way of avoiding things you're supposed to be doing...
Reply 7
Yep, as long as they've not ticked the box that says 'only let my friends see my profile'. You can see profiles of people from other unis as long as you're on their friend list, but they have to confirm that they know you before you're added. A poke basically sends a message saying 'you've been poked by so'n'so' and you can either poke them back or ignore it. That's it! Though it often descends into a totally pointless poke war that takes up too much time but is a very good way of avoiding things you're supposed to be doing...

Oh okay, thanks for helping. It does sound like a good thing to have espeically if you know your firends are going to different uni's it a great way to keep in contact.
Oh okay, thanks for helping. It does sound like a good thing to have espeically if you know your firends are going to different uni's it a great way to keep in contact.

It certainly is, but you know you can join while at school, and add yourself to your school's network (if it's on the database).

To the OP, was this a random girl who you've not actually met before (but was just facebook stalking), or do you actually know her? If the former, then private message her or add her as a friend, if it's the latter then write a msg on her wall.
Reply 9
It certainly is, but you know you can join while at school, and add yourself to your school's network (if it's on the database).

Oh Thats soo cool! :biggrin: I will next year.
Reply 10
If everyone that I poked fancied me and me poking them back meant I also fancied them then I would have led a lot of people on by now. Poking doesn't really mean anything, it's just a totally pointless Facebook feature that is a bit of fun (sometimes!). She might like you, but the chances are she is just poking you back because that's what you do when someone pokes you! On the bright side, she clearly doesn't hate you or she'd probably have ignored it...but still! Do you know this girl enough to message her and start a conversation?
send her a message? facebook poking can be flirty, but it can also just be to say 'hi' or whatever. yeah, so just send her a neutral message, and see where it goes
It's only a poke!

Anyway, I'm writing a play about a Facebook relationship at the moment; to be (hopefully!) performed next year. :smile:
Reply 13
If someone poked me I would poke them back, just for fun. It doesn't mean she def is not interested but don't get too excited. Try starting a little conversation and see where that gets you. Just hey, what you up to, blah blah. Nothing too heavy.

How great of a word is poke BTW? Poke, poke, poke. Ha ha ha!
Reply 14
Poke her in real life with your manhood. If she pokes back with hers, RUN.
Reply 15
yeh true, i do not what to say though cos her profile say nothign about her all i know is that she does sociology! i found her while checkin a random group and out of curiosity checked her profile out and thought ***kit! i dunno what neutral message i cud send her at all!
Reply 16
Poke her in real life with your manhood. If she pokes back with hers, RUN.

Manhood! ;laugh; Ha ha, everything is making me laugh today. I think I'm drunk.

Look at this hilasrious smilieI found. :bath: He's in the bath!
Reply 17
yeh true, i do not what to say though cos her profile say nothign about her all i know is that she does sociology! i found her while checkin a random group and out of curiosity checked her profile out and thought ***kit! i dunno what neutral message i cud send her at all!

"Lovely weather today, innit?"
Reply 18
*pokes yo momma*
before id gone on facebook, and ever heard of of my (female) uni freinds was going on about being "poked" by this lad, and i took the news completely the wrong way:biggrin: