The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Moisturisers with a hint of self-tan!
Reply 2
Something like Johnson's holiday tan, not Nivea Sunkissed.

(I've heard this recommendation from many friends)
Reply 3
Moisturisers with a hint of self-tan!

Yeah i have heard that, on the loreal adverts. If the op is male then he should try Loreal men experts "moistuisers with a hint of self-tan" But the tan on that is not so so much in there it builds a natural self tan. So it won't make you look cheesy. Also it helps to hydrate your skin.
Reply 4
Ok my skin is fairly pale and I would like to improve the colour of it to a more darker tone. Obviously when I'm out in the sun I gain a good colour but recently It seems I have been working during the best days. Does anyone know of any good methods to 'improve' my skin colour, perhaps there are certain foods which may help etc. I don't like the idea of using a fake tan lotion as it will then make me look a bit cheesy plus would be obvious.

Any idea's?

DONT fake tan.
Reply 5
drink lots of water. it'll make your skin healthier and therefore more liable to colour better!