The Student Room Group

worst *universities*

hi uall i would like to know the worst schools in england, i havnt been there for 2yrs ,im in canada right now and would like to study in the england this september. according to wat my cousin told me these schools are not that good
luton,eastlondon university,southbanc university,hertfordshire,kent,greenwich,westlondoncollege,middlsex,
and i got an offer from hertfordshire so id like to know wat makes a school bad .
im not looking froward to schools like oxford or imperial college cos i heard they are too expensive

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Reply 1
hi uall i would like to know the worst schools in england, i havnt been there for 2yrs ,im in canada right now and would like to study in the england this september. according to wat my cousin told me these schools are not that good
luton,eastlondon university,southbanc university,hertfordshire,kent,greenwich,westlondoncollege,middlsex,
and i got an offer from hertfordshire so id like to know wat makes a school bad .
im not looking froward to schools like oxford or imperial college cos i heard they are too expensive

Kent is not bad, it's certainly a lot better than all the rest of those places, none of which are very good at all.
Reply 2
University of Kent is pretty good! Very nice surroundings and quite a good reputation.
Reply 3
hi uall i would like to know the worst schools in england, i havnt been there for 2yrs ,im in canada right now and would like to study in the england this september. according to wat my cousin told me these schools are not that good
luton,eastlondon university,southbanc university,hertfordshire,kent,greenwich,westlondoncollege,middlsex,
and i got an offer from hertfordshire so id like to know wat makes a school bad .
im not looking froward to schools like oxford or imperial college cos i heard they are too expensive

You mean universities not schools?

If you do then why not look at the good ones and disguard the rest, you can get a rough idea of the good ones from the league tables inked to from this site
Reply 4
None of these unis are very good at all! I would definately not go to any of these unis as they are very poor for almost all subjects. Go to and check out the uni guide for your subect and see how they rank overall. AS you would see all these unisare not that good....certainly nothing to leave canada for!!
Oxford and Imperial are not very expensive...not more so than the others but definately worth it. Unless the fees vary for overseas students, not sure!
Reply 5
Thames Valley and Bolton Institute of HE are two of the worst.
Reply 6
Thames Valley and Bolton Institute of HE are two of the worst.

Bolton isn't that bad to fair, I mean in the second year they even do anvanced experiment in passing data via the web to another computer via MySQL :confused: When they demonstrated this very basic thing it took 5 minutes blaming the internet connection. Funny how I can download Photoshop CS in under 1 minute using my universities connection.

Seriously though I think places like TVU/Bolton are more the for the part time mature student market, people doing part time degrees while working etc.

I heared TVU has a state of the art ICT facility but the standard of teaching and research is still very poor.
lol same crap happened to me ,i got offers from the worst bleeping schools in uk greenwich and hertfordshire luton can u believe that crap
but bcos i cant wait one more year to start school i have to pick one i mean i getting old in two months time id be 20 so either u get a school in canada or u just take one that offers u a place in uk lol comon lol join me in luton well have fun hahaha
Reply 8
lol same crap happened to me ,i got offers from the worst bleeping schools in uk greenwich and hertfordshire luton can u believe that crap
but bcos i cant wait one more year to start school i have to pick one i mean i getting old in two months time id be 20 so either u get a school in canada or u just take one that offers u a place in uk lol comon lol join me in luton well have fun hahaha

if you say so...think carefully about your will have to appreciate it for the next three years or so...
Kent isn't bad at all.
Reply 10
Dr. Blazed
Kent isn't bad at all.

you are quite a defender of the above uni...
you are quite a defender of the above uni...

I know :biggrin: It's not the greatest, but comparing it to TVU or Luton is just ridiculous.
Reply 12
Don't just check the uni, check the course you want. eg Wolverhampton came last a couple of years ago, but was rated 'excellent' for Russian! there are a few odd quirks like that.

On the costs thing - any chance you have a british passport? If so then move to the UK for work and then after a year apply for uni, that way you will be classed as a UK student, it will knock thousands off your course fees.

Don't rule out Oxford et al. The old, expensive unis often have scholarships, bursaries etc which may pay all your tuition, and even some living expenses.
Reply 13
Middlesex is quite good in Accounting and Finance course, gives you 2-year exemption from ACCA (chartard certified accountant). Doing degree in LSE even wont give you 2-year exemption. It is the course content MDX teach of Acc & Finan.. is good :smile:
So depends what course you chossing :smile:
Reply 14
computing science thats the course
Reply 15
hertfordshire is not a bad university comperd to other like east london or luton. it is an averge university if want want to set your standards higher i'd go for another one. what are your other choices.

dont bother going to Middlesex other than for buisness or other related stuff to business. but it doesn't have a very good reputation.
try greenwich it has a nice view
Reply 17
try greenwich it has a nice view

But Thames Valley sounds posher :smile:
Reply 18
Kent is ranked mid 20s for some subjects it is far better than unis such as bolton and tvu.
Some of the courses at kent ask for pretty high grades. Its also a very nice campus.

BTW people in the UK dont call university school. It always confuses the heck out of me when my american friend refers to school and classes lol.
Reply 19
KEnt is excellent university for computer science as it is ranked 28 on this course and secondly hertfordshire is also good on a rank 46.
I recommend you go to kent if you got offer it is good in this course :smile: