The Student Room Group
Reply 1
google is your friend?
Reply 2
Google hasn't got much personal experience.
Google doesnt seem to bring anything up, I've never heard about it either. Where have you heard this term before? There is battered child syndrome and rape trauma syndrome, but Childhood trauma syndrome seems to be non-existant.

But try this, looks like a very good site.
Reply 4
Thanks Blueangel...thats right (PTSD). I'd never heard the term before today either and its coming as a bit of a shock. everything in life kinda fits.

Thanks again
+rep for you.
edit: maybe not. you're not allowed to be repped :frown:
Np hun :smile: I can't receive rep anyway, so dont waste your time trying. There is loads on Google about Post traumatic stress syndrome, but if you want the ones that are related to physiological and neurological effects. Then read this:

Half way down it starts on: What are the consequences associated with PTSD? PTSD is associated with a number of distinctive neurobiological and physiological changes. PTSD may be associated with stable neurobiological alterations in both ...

There is alot about it on there :smile:
Reply 6
Just as a bit of advice, if you believe you have PTSD, it may help you if you were to see some kind of counsellor or such like.

Counselling and therapy tend to have very negative connotations because there's still stigma surrounding mental health and the like. However, they can be very helpful in many circumstances. I do speak from a position of bias though, since my dad's a counselling psychologist.
Reply 7
Yea, they are talking about surgery and a truckload of psychotherapy and such like.

thanks to both of you :smile:
Reply 9
It seems that (if you live in the UK), your first port of call should be your GP. They can advise you on what resources exist to help you. If you live outside the UK, it's probably your typical primary healthcare provider who will be able to give you some form of advice.