The Student Room Group

Muscley arms on a girl

:confused: Are there any girls here that have really muscley arms? I do, and it's starting to affect my confidence whenever I wear short sleeved t-shirts. In the hot weather, my veins get bigger and are really noticeable, a bit like on a man's arms. I also have hands like this, and I notice that other girls have soft, rounded hands but my hands look like I work down the mines! I am really sporty and do lots of cardiovascular exercise, so my veins are quite big and my shoulder muscles are huge. I suppose I should be pleased that I'm strong and healthy, but do most people think this is unnatural?
Reply 1
I suppose I should be pleased that I'm strong and healthy, but do most people think this is unnatural?

Depends. Some men like women like that. Some don't.
Reply 2
:confused: Are there any girls here that have really muscley arms? I do, and it's starting to affect my confidence whenever I wear short sleeved t-shirts. In the hot weather, my veins get bigger and are really noticeable, a bit like on a man's arms. I also have hands like this, and I notice that other girls have soft, rounded hands but my hands look like I work down the mines! I am really sporty and do lots of cardiovascular exercise, so my veins are quite big and my shoulder muscles are huge. I suppose I should be pleased that I'm strong and healthy, but do most people think this is unnatural?

I wouldn't think anything of a girls arms and as you know all guys like different builds, most are not that bothered being healthy and fit is an advantage though. Its the face and personality I look at.
Reply 3
Big, muscley women with massive hands arent very attractive, well, to me anyway.
Reply 4
I think muscles look good on a girl, as long as she isn't too skinny or toned all over.

I wouldn't worry about the hand thing too much. I have the scrawniest hands ever, not at all like most other girls. You can see all the tendons when I'm not even doing anything with them.
Reply 5

Reply 6
you need to find a guy whos more muscley than you
Girls can not easily gain much muscle with out using steroids. I know a girl that does weight training, with heavy weights, she does 2 sports at national levle and as far as muscle goes her arms look no diffrent from any other girl.

Your are probably over reacting, you could show us a photo, if your not takeing steroids i would bet money you are over reacting.
Reply 8
I have big arm and shoulder muscles cos i do loads of gymnastics at national level. i fink have naturally big muscles anyway but training just makes them bigger! i used to really hate it especially when guys used to point it out and call me tonc/hench but now i really don't care - i've just accepted it and i love wearing strappy tops
tbh i don't think its a big problem just accept yourself as you are! - maybe try toning your arms more?
Reply 9
I suppose it's not really that big a deal. I play the guitar a lot and my hands are scrawny too, like yours, supertramp!
Reply 10
i used to really hate it especially when guys used to point it out and call me tonc/hench

I doubt they would have been laughing if 20 kilos of muscle had propelled a fist into their nuts.
Reply 11
I'd rather a musclular girl over a weak girl any day........ but that's personal preference. For me, the muscle purely suggests that you're an athletic person, so that's good. don't worry about it! And certainly don't try changing anything, or you're health/sports will suffer.
Reply 12
If a man can't accept you the way you are, then he's not worth it.
Reply 13
I don't have the small arms most girls have. I have always had big muscles naturally. I have the veins on my hands as well.
Everyone is different. I woudln't worry about it. I would rather have a girl with a bit of muscle than really fragile looking. I would be scared of breaking her.
I have big arm and shoulder muscles cos i do loads of gymnastics at national level. i fink have naturally big muscles anyway but training just makes them bigger! i used to really hate it especially when guys used to point it out and call me tonc/hench but now i really don't care - i've just accepted it and i love wearing strappy tops
tbh i don't think its a big problem just accept yourself as you are! - maybe try toning your arms more?

i had exactly the same problem i was a swimmer and my shoulders, back and arms were very muscly too. I had to stop swimming due to severe ankle injuries and since then the muscles on my back have gone done, still have stupidly broad shoulders which i hate! but the muscles on my arms r still there just not so toned... i personally prefered having muscly arms compared to what they are now... i guess you will probably be muscly for a while due to sports and instead of worrying about them just accept them as being part of you and be happy, im sure many ppl would want to be more muscly than they are your just lucky that u are!
i wouldnt mind a girl with like a really really faint six pack lol i like toned stomachs on girls but thats as far as i go.