The Student Room Group

I pretend I have friends

I feel so miserable and lonely and i have no idea on how to change it. I have a wonderful and supportive family who have stood by me throught thick and thin. I used to be average girl in terms of popularity at high school but i dont have any close friends. I left high school last year and i was part of a gang of girls, but one girl who i never was that close to has brushed me off completely. I pretend to my family that i have alot of friends and am really talkative but most evening i stay at home. I feel lonely and i have no one talk to about it. So am not quite sure want i should do

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Reply 1
Find either some club or job or soemthing...
or just ring up somene ya were close too...
Reply 2
Are you going to University? Because that is the time where you can forget about all of this and make so many new friends! If not, try and get a job, or join some clubs etc...
Pretending to have friends??? Just try and acquire some new acquaintances, hopefully these will blossom into good friendships...

We all tell porkies from time to time, when the going gets tough, some lies help us out and stop significant others from worrying about us and our state of mind/happiness. Don't feel crap about lying and pretending, we all do this from time to time....but don't make a habit of it, and do try and form new friendships, little by little. Don't expect changes overnight mind you...
I'm sorry you're feeling so miserable at the moment. Just because your not popular that does not mean there anything wrong with you. Staying at home alone doesnt help you make friends or keep in contact with old friends. the summer vacation is a great time to start socialing and start doing something new to eliminate this loneliness

I hope you'll start right now to be your own best friend. And I hope you'll avoid those old pretences and take self-supportive action now. Good luck
Reply 5
Walk around naked, you'll make friends in no time!
So what happened to those other friends? Did they just dissolve and turn out not to be worth it? Or do you feel you can't get back in touch with them after so long? Either way, it sounds like you need to make new friends... ok, join a club, get a job, go to a bar, talk to people you used to know from school and get introduced to their friends too, or talk to people you never used to know from school and get friendly with them. Friends often crop up in the strangest places, but once you have a couple of friends, you can get introduced to their friends by going out, then their friends' friends, and it grows like that. What is actually the problem with speaking to these girls from high school?
Reply 7
Walk around naked, you'll make friends in no time!

And i wondered where all of those little red gems came from.
Reply 8
Probly losers like you.
And i wondered where all of those little red gems came from.

You do realise you're saying that to someone who openly doesn't care at all? :biggrin:
Reply 10
tryin doing an activity which involves people really, like at uni that is the best thing! u cud try talkin to the ppl u used to talk to and just simply ask why you are not m8s anymore, there is no harm in asking that at all. joining the gym mite be a good way to meet ppl or just randomly havin the courage to talk to ppl, ppl are not as scary as you think, and will even respect u are even be flattered that u wud go up and talk to them. remember it is all about quality and not quantity, as long as ur happy that is the main thing
Reply 11
Everyone here should reflect on something. Most of us are telling the OP to move along, and to realise that he/she may not be a bad person just because he/she has no real friends. We're trying to be very comforting and to give as much encouragement as possible.

Now turn and examine your real lives. You're bound to have brushed aside one individual or another. Imagine how that person would be feeling now if all other people treated him/her the same way.

Now imagine that the person whom you had so ruthlessly chastised is the OP. Surely your reaction wouldn't be the same?
Everyone here should reflect on something. Most of us are telling the OP to move along, and to realise that he/she may not be a bad person just because he/she has no real friends. We're trying to be very comforting and to give as much encouragement as possible.

Now turn and examine your real lives. You're bound to have brushed aside one individual or another. Imagine how that person would be feeling now if all other people treated him/her the same way.

Now imagine that the person whom you had so ruthlessly chastised is the OP. Surely your reaction wouldn't be the same?

I haven't (knowingly) brushed anyone aside unless they deserved it. In what way is "brushing aside" the same as "ruthlessly chastising"? The former might be deserved.
Reply 13
Probly losers like you.

Takes one to know one.
Takes one to know one.

Fine, im a loser, so you are to.

No skin off my nose.

How mature is this arguement:wink:
I know you are, but what am I? :mad:
Fine, im a loser, so you are to.

No skin off my nose.

How mature is this arguement:wink:

how mature? It's the equivalent maturity of your penile development...
how mature? It's the equivalent maturity of your penile development...

Wow i must be the most mature man on the planet then...

(God you guys leave yourself open for this kind of ****!). :smile:
Reply 18
Were all childeren really. hehe
I pretend I have friends: I use