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Subject Prizes are given to the best result in each subject at Prize Evening in October at my school - unfortunately you can only win three maximum to prevent the best students sweeping the board entirely. (There are only 30 in my schoolyear). Then there's also a Cup for the overall best GCSE results, along with other trophies/plaques e.g. for upholding the "Ethos" of the school.
Reply 2
Heh, we don't have a trophy :p: Ours isn't that grand.... the best student in the year for each subject gets a "Gold" award (this is true for other year groups too). Then two more students can get "Silver" awards for each subject. One student can only get 4 awards maximum, to prevent sweepstakes too.

Then there are "Excellence in GCSE" awards for about 10~15 people. But it really isn't that much honour really, because it's fairly obvious who will be getting these.
Heh, we don't have a trophy :p: Ours isn't that grand.... the best student in the year for each subject gets a "Gold" award (this is true for other year groups too). Then two more students can get "Silver" awards for each subject. One student can only get 4 awards maximum, to prevent sweepstakes too.

If you're at a big school that must be one long prizegiving.

Off Topic, many thanks for the +rep Excalibur, I know have repping power :p:
Reply 4
Yeah you get things like "Best in Subject" and "Best Boy/Girl at GCSE" etc...
Reply 5

If you're at a big school that must be one long prizegiving.

About 1000+ students, I guess. But the silver kids don't get to go to the awards ceremony; only the gold ones, GCSE/A level awards and special awards. The silver people just get it presented at assembly (which, imo, is more embarassing than an awards ceremony).
The best people get an academic scholarship, but normally this requires a result of 8A*s or more, and people also get their names put up on the subject noticeboard if they get a Top 5.
At my school, each year group has an academic prize for each subject/group of subjects, plus some for sports, year boy/girl and some special ones for things like effort, improvement and charity. There was also one for GCSE results that a handful of people got.
Reply 8
I had awards in English Language, Science, Business Studies, History, French and RE, plus the cup for year evelen (the equivalent to year boy thing). But this was a fluke! :biggrin:
Reply 9
The best people get an academic scholarship, but normally this requires a result of 8A*s or more, and people also get their names put up on the subject noticeboard if they get a Top 5.

Yep, we used to have that but now my school does'nt like giving out scholarships so we don't have any awards for GCSEs. However there are year group prizes in the form of book tokens so I guess that's ... something
Reply 10
People get Exhibitions for "Outstanding" results, but nothing else.
Reply 11
My school is a bog-standard state comprehensive in the middle of chav town.
Reply 12
SO, awards is a bit too much to ask really, its usually small prizes and crap.
In secondary school we got prizes at the end of each term for Achievement and Progress in each subject then during our NRA evening in year 11 which is before our GCSE results are published, we get special achievement awards for each subject which is awarded to one person in the whole year. I remember getting some prizes for achievement in Art (:confused:) and Modern Foreign Languages (on quite a few occasions) in secondary school and for NRA evening I got the award for special achievement in Science and French.

We didn't get any awards for our GCSE results though.
Reply 14
Subject Prizes are given to the best result in each subject at Prize Evening in October at my school - unfortunately you can only win three maximum to prevent the best students sweeping the board entirely. (There are only 30 in my schoolyear). Then there's also a Cup for the overall best GCSE results, along with other trophies/plaques e.g. for upholding the "Ethos" of the school.

I wish we had the rule in our school. There was this guy who won 6 bloody prizes:p: I was so annoyed with him because I was 2 or 3 marks behind him in four of the subjects he won, meaning that if he wasn't there I would have won those :eek: In the case of Physics, he beat me by 0.5%. Evil bugger :wink:
Reply 15
Our school has an award for 6 As at GCSE and I believe it's 2 or 3 As at AS level . We also have little things like certificates for getting grade 8s but that's about it really
Reply 16
We don't have any awards like this. :mad: . I want recognition dammit! :mad:
Reply 17
^^The trick is to start off the year really badly then finish it by achieving your potential in the end of year exams. (I don't do this intentionally, but it has lead to me winning at least one prize every year.)
We only had one prize at GCSE at my schoolfor the ebst overall results.

I was annoyingly 3 or 4 in my school in GCSE grades (out of about 270 people). I can take some consolation however, that I got the most A*s of anyone in my year :smile:

We did have some trophies and prizes at A Level though. I got the one of the 2 maths trophies (I'd guess one was for maths and the other for furhter maths...I probably got the further maths one seen as I was the only person in the and the science trophy (for best overall results in science subjects). I also got the Chemistry prize (for best result in Chemistry).
OMG! you lot get rewards?! we get nothing at all, just shows how crap my school is.