The Student Room Group

I got the blues

Hi everyone,

Just wondered if anyone has every felt like this. For some reason I feel so lonely and alone and there doesnt seem to be anyone who I can really talk to who would hear me out and listen without being patronising or rubbishing what I'm saying. Don't get me wrong, i have my friends and things and they are great but sometimes I get really down. I don't think I'm depressed and I try to do things that interest me but can anyone shed any light on this?
aww huni i think everyone can feel like that from time to time. sounds like your doing the right things to combat it - stay busy, spend time with friends and family and try to open up to someone. if you havent got any friends you feel you could talk to theres loads of listening helplines you could ring. hopefully itll pass but if not and your really struggling go and see your doctor, im not saying that they wil give you anything but just talking to a professional may help shed some light on the situation. xx
You're not depressed. It is just that - the blues. You're sad.

I can understand why to be honest. Sometimes I feel like there's no one I can talk to. I have some great friends but they're not all good listeners, and not always around. It feels like the ones that can listen get bored of me and hearing about me, and they're not always contactable. Try talking to some of your friends - you might find they're willing to listen, even if you don't think they are right now. If they're not, make some better friends. You do know you can always talk on TSR, but that's not really a consolation, I know. :smile: But it helps. What's on your mind at the moment?
Reply 3
I feel like this every now and again...look on the brightside will get better!!
Reply 4
Yeah everyone, especially girls can feel down from time to time. Especially during the period times, and i usually find that when im really really down my periods are so heavy, think we just need a general release! lol.. But aside from that, sometimes you do need a bit of comfort and support. Try to find yourself a boy friend, just a really good boy mate. Some of them can actually listen, and rather than girls, they dont try to compete, but they tell you things honestly, and often tell you what you know is true but dont want to admit :smile: