I applied to Queen's University of Belfast for zoology! My dreams are to be a vet
helping animals and all that, however when I read what other topics that other Unis are doing I'm worried that I wont be able to move on to the veterinary -
[h="2"]Course Content[/h]
The BSc in Zoology at Queen's aims to provide students with a broad coverage of the biology of animals and how they interact with other living organisms.
Stage 1Zoology undergraduates study:Biological Diversity
Environmental Biology
Genetics and Molecular Biology
Introductory Skills for Biosciences
Plus, usually, Biochemistry
This broad base in biological sciences enables students after their Stage 1 year to transfer, should they so wish, to pathways leading to degrees in Biological Sciences, Environmental Biology, Genetics or Marine Biology.
Stage 2Students take the following modules:
Comparative Animal Physiology
Invertebrate Biology
Plus four other modules, at least two of which are selected from:
Applied Ecology
Cell Biology
Mammalian Biochemistry
Marine Ecology
Molecular Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics
Work Placement
Stage 3During final year, Zoology students undertake a two-module research project, carried out under the supervision of one or more members of academic staff, and also choose four modules from:
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology
Farm Animal Health and Welfare
Genetic Manipulation and Bacterial Genetics
Marine Zoology
The Immune System
Can all you helpful people give me advice