I totally respect that attitude. As GG said, sex and virginity are only as big a deal as you make them. I really wouldn't worry about being a virgin. However, I do think that if you feel you want to wait for the right person, then you should stick with that cos it will make the experience better for you and you won't necessarily be disappointed.
I know quite a few people who are 19 and still virgins, including 2 of my close friends. I have been chatting to them and they both see their virginity as something they want to get rid of, and a burden. One of them was really scared of telling her boyfriend for fear of his reaction (obviously he was fine with it!). As someone who waited for someone I was in love with, I told them I thought they should wait. Obviously they could have sex, but clearly they cared to the extent that they didn't want to sleep with a total randomer, so why not wait for someone they actually really liked? While you don't need to be proud of your virginity, you can be proud of the fact that you're doing what you feel comfortable with and not letting other people's reactions get in the way of that.