basically, i'm in my second year at uni and am back home for the summer. At school i had a really tight group of about 6 friends, and since then our group has drifted and people have changed and made new friends. but i haven't but am ok friends with them still. so this summer i thought i'd see what some of my old group's friends are like and try to make friends with them.
my 2 friends new friends are people who were in our year at school but i never really were friends with them. so they know who i am, and when we were a lot younger we used to be friends, but for some reason or another we weren't friends by year 10 ish (when my really tight group of firends formed).
i was at a gig yesterday with my other friend who is feeling a bit like me, friendless, and this whole group of these people were there, minus my friends (who were in my tight group). they totally blanked us, they obviously saw us and knew who we were. i thought that's they at least be friendly and say hi or at least smile?? i thought since everyone has been to uni, they would be always in 'making new friends' mode?
that's really put me off wanting to make friends with these people but i really want to. so really what i'm trying to ask is, when you're at home, how would you react to someone you haven't really seen in 2 years? if i went to more social events that my friends have been invited to (but i haven't directly), do you think they would bother to talk to me/be friendly?
sorry, this sounds the most sad and pathetic thing ever, but it really ruined my night last nite and i really did not expect them to act like this!