The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Cut off all contact from him, delete his numbers from your phone, and whenever you have the urge to think about him, remind yourself what a two-timing prat he is! Spend lots of time doing things you enjoy, like spending time with friends, shopping, etc etc, whatever you do in your spare time. You'll forget him as time goes on.
Focus your energy on someone else! Thats what I did to get over a really horrid person!
Dont try to completely forget him that's too difficult. Set out ten minutes of your time everyday to think about him and only think about him during that period. That way you accomplish two things - You're thinking about him, and you're not thinking about him for the rest of the day. Good luck!
Reply 4
Try my method, It actually works.. For anything :p: It's actually for excessive worry (Medically)
Reply 6
its hard to let go of someone who you once had great affection for, but when you remember those times, try to remember the heartache that guy has caused you. hes such a typical man :P
best of luck with this!
Reply 8
Just keep your mind busy. It worked in the past when my girlfriend was on holiday for a month or I wasnt seeing her for a long time. As long as I kept my head busy I wasnt missing her, but as soon I was doing nothing and my brain was "ticking over", it would just get back to missing and thinking about her. (just for the record still going out with my girlfriend)
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I need more hobbies :frown:

tiddlywinks is always a good one :wink:
Reply 11
Its very hard to forget about someone when you have been close to them. Just give it time, try and avoid making contact with them, and involve youself in hobbies etc to keep yourself busy.

It can take a minute to be attracted to someone, an hour to like them, but a lifetime to forget them!
Kind of going through the same thing as you. Except I have been trying to forget about him for 4 months now! But i still think about him everyday. He is my first love and the first to show me that kind of affection but didnt treat me that well either. It's hard, but it does get easier. Try to embrace it instead of fighting it, think of the good things more. Hurts less that way when you do think about him.
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Well good luck either way. Dont contact him, and keep yourself busy as people said. However you dont want to forget him, as I am sure he did define who you are now to a certain extent... it sucks when things go sour but it does happen... Just remember the good times you had
Reply 15

these guys can help :wink:
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keep yourself busy. go to the gym, do something you've always wanted to do, etc. it will keep your mind off him.