well basically... i got ready for it last night, i made sure everything would be fine. then i texted him like "are you coming?" and hes like "no sorry my mum wont let me go out, i have a plane really early tomorow morning" so i was like :-( (im not sure weather this is just an excuse becuase he can drive and stuff) but i guess it was the sensible thing to do. so there i am like dissapointed and a bit drunk and i decide its a really good idea to tell him how i feel in a text, so i sent a reallllly long text. but he hasnt replied, and by now he will be on holiday. so does that mean he didnt get it? and will have to wait 10 days before he will actually see this text? (i've been on holiday with him before and he doesnt take his phone) or maybe he got it and didnt want to reply?
hes gone away with about 4 boys and im just convinced that he is gunna go and get with loads of girls, i dont think i can physically wait 2 weeks to find out his reply to my text ahhhhhhh.
im feeling quite embarrased about this now.