The Student Room Group

first move

he told me he likes me about 2 weeks ago.
i like him.
we are always holding hands and dancing together and chatting and stuff like that.
but i have no idea how to make the first move and kiss him? it shouldnt be this hard! but i feel as though we have left it so long and it would be wierd now.
I just want to kiss him!
last night we were sitting alone in the corner of this club and he started like holding my hand, but it still didnt happen!
hes going on holiday for 2 weeks tomorrow and im seeing him tonight, anyone got any ideas as to how to make the first move?

maybe he just doesnt like me in that way anymore?

do you rekon that if it was meant to be it would have hapened by now?!
ive never had this problem before ahhhhhh help meeeeee.
Reply 1
me n my bf had the same prob for aaages lol. it was a long time, then i thought it would be awkward. i talked to him and he felt the same way. it just kept feeling awkward then never happened. it eventually did when my friends locked us out on the porch n told us not to come back in until it happened :s-smilie: lol but i dont recommend doing it that way. just do what lauradm *above* suggested. sounds like it could be the answer.
If hes holding your hand and dancing with you like that hes clearly just shy about going to the next level. Be really touchy with him and see how he responds, if he shys away then you know the truth but if he loves it then just talk dirty a bit then before you know he will want it so bad.
Reply 4
Take him somewhere loud so that you have to whisper into his ear. This is a great excuse to get up next to him. Eventually give him a quick kiss on the cheek. The rest should take care of itself....
when you kiss him on the cheek gaze right into his eyes and give a dirty look/lick your lips ... then he will know what you really want :biggrin:
Lean your head on his shoulder, that's the biggest indication you can give him.
Reply 7
Accidently spill something on his croch.
Reply 8
Accidently spill something on his croch.

and that will lead to a memorable first kiss how? :confused:
Reply 9
and that will lead to a memorable first kiss how? :confused:

What you think spilling something on sum1s crotch then rubbing it off getting him excited then kissing wont be memorable?

Are u mental? Doesnt even matter what u kiss. Loads of options available to you with this route! :rolleyes:
Reply 10
well basically... i got ready for it last night, i made sure everything would be fine. then i texted him like "are you coming?" and hes like "no sorry my mum wont let me go out, i have a plane really early tomorow morning" so i was like :-( (im not sure weather this is just an excuse becuase he can drive and stuff) but i guess it was the sensible thing to do. so there i am like dissapointed and a bit drunk and i decide its a really good idea to tell him how i feel in a text, so i sent a reallllly long text. but he hasnt replied, and by now he will be on holiday. so does that mean he didnt get it? and will have to wait 10 days before he will actually see this text? (i've been on holiday with him before and he doesnt take his phone) or maybe he got it and didnt want to reply?
hes gone away with about 4 boys and im just convinced that he is gunna go and get with loads of girls, i dont think i can physically wait 2 weeks to find out his reply to my text ahhhhhhh.
im feeling quite embarrased about this now.
Tough one, texts are too easy to ignore so you should always do it face to face cos then you can see their response and see if they actualyl like you. Its the reaction which gives it away 9/10 times rather than whats said, with a text he can have too much time to think and now he has his entire holiday to think about it!! Also, if you've been on holiday with him before why didnt you comment on how fit his body was down by the pool or something, that way you could have made it really obvious what you wanted :wink:
Just be hugging or whatnot, really close, and just hold on. Im guessing he's probably a bit taller than you, so just look up at him and move in.................. :p:
Reply 13
Give him a hug, pull away *slightly*, gaze into his eyes then lean forward slightly. Should be fine after that :smile:

(I certainly couldn't resist when I was in his position)