The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Just make sure you speak in a clear voice. Theres nothing worse than the "What?" scenario followed by you repeating yourself, especially if it was a joke.

Other than that, compliments when you see him, ask him how he is etc. Ask him how big his nob is. Just you know, important stuff.
Reply 2
Just relax. It's perfectly normal to be a little apprehensive. Just bare in mind the other person is also probably feeling the same way.

Just be yourself, and get to know what you've got in common, and what you havent. You'll find that the stuff you havent got in common can be very good, as you'll learn about things you didnt know about.

Dont worry, and go enjoy yourself!
Just think of it as normal hanging out, but with a guy that you might consider a relationship with because thats all it really is. Dont turn it in to an interveiw either because thats no fun!
Reply 4
Look forward to it! Be excited about spending quality time with the guy u like. If there are gaps in the conversation dont worry too much and certainly Dont try to hard to fill in silences with awkward conversation starters that go nowhere. As people have sed before just go with the flow and have fun! Good luck.