The Student Room Group

Being dishonest???

would you call me dishonest?
i have been going to with my bf for 6 months now and i learnt to love him but i didnt when he asked me, i liked another guy but he was leaving my school and at that point my bf now told me about how he felt, i only agreed to the relationship because i didnt want to be sad when my crush left and i needed someone to support me through and someone who i can have sympathy from because of some family problems i had and still have, however during the months ive been with him i really have srated to love him would you call the foundation of our relationship dishonest and is yes why? i need help because sometimes i feel as if i have cheeted on him
Reply 1
It does seem a bit like you're using him... or were using him in the first place... but if you've really grown to love him and like being with him then that's all that should matter now really

wouldn't say you've cheated on him though

:ditto: thats what i say i mean u did use him but now now you love him and therefore thats all there should be no flash backs to the furture lol
Reply 3
not at all, you maybe made a mistake right at the beginning but if you have real feelings for him now, great things have come of it! just keep that information to yourself! you dont want to endanger your relationship
yep i think you shouldnt worry about to much!!! :-)
and like fox said keep the info to yourslef lol