The Student Room Group

EMS Abroad

So i'll be at the RVC come September and i was wondering just how easy it is to spend your EMS abroad. I guess you just have to arrange it your self???

Also if you intercallate can you study literally anything- like a language or s does it have to be veterinary, or at least science, related???

Basically i want to travel as much as possible and wonder how easy it is to do it on this course.

Reply 1
yeah i might be going to RVC to this september too and want to do as much as my EMS abroad as poss! i think in the first two years you're allowed to spend 6 of the 12 weeks AHEMS abroad, and in the 3rd-5th year you're allowed to spend 6 of the 26 weeks clinical extra-mural studies abroad. im quoting from the prospectus here so it could have changed. yeah im guessing you could organise it yourself or ask the personal tutors to help. i would also appreciate to talk to someone who has perhaps done overseas EMS on what/where they did it and how they arranged it!! :biggrin: thankz xxx
i want to do some ems abroad next summer. theres a folder in the library with the placement stuff for overseas ems, so have a look in there in sept. i think its got stuff about how to contact them too.