The Student Room Group

My Situation!

Well this thread is similar to one already being shown at the minute but i suppose everyone is different. My situation is of course the dreaded word girlfriends. I've never really wanted a girlfriend (couldn't be bothered to tell you the truth but i have been asked out but in these cases i have turned the girls down) upto now (17 yrs) so therefore have never had one but the last couple of months i've really changed my tune and now want one on the basis that i feel im ready meaning that i'm not going to get one on the basis of some silly 2 week relationship. My problem is that i don't know how to approach a girl, i've always been able to talk to girls on a friendly basis but that is it, because of my lack of experience i don't know the signs on whether she likes me and also i also make the mistake i think on the basis that girls really get on with me on a friendly basis but not in a relationship side.

Another thing is that i would rarely be in contact with girls other than work etc. because i don't really like going to the local niteclubs.

An example is a party i was at last night in which i got talking to a couple of girls who i found attractive and they also had a good personality but because of my lack of experience and confidence i couldn't take it to the next level because i thought theres no way they'd like me and also because i don't know them that well.

Bit complicated but i hope you can understand the picture and i'd be grateful for any advice.:smile:
Reply 1

Just give it time, IF you're holding their attention okay and they're enjoying the chats and things, the time will come.
Reply 2

if you've been asked out before, just wait for it to happen again.
Reply 3
What about the fact that im not seeing as many girls, another point is that i was a new student in my school going into L6 last year, during it i only really got talking to the ones in my classes so i think i need to make an effort to go to formals etc.