The way I see it, The phrases 'You'll find the right person eventually' and, to an extent, 'Just be yourself', are perhaps the two worst things to say to someone - because it reinforces to the person being given the advice that they're just fine and dandy, a diamond in the rough, an absolutely great person that the opposite sex are completely missing out on.
End result? The person being given the advice is made to feel just a touch better about their wretched social status and carries on doing exactly what they've been doing, with no effort made to change themselves. Why should they? After all, someone told them that they'd eventually find someone, somewhere who'd be totally right for them, didn't they? The person continues to be alone, all the while wondering why they're so lonely in the first place. Which sooner or later leads to yet another emotional outburst on a message board/in public about how they're lonely/unloved/a wretched social outcast/etc...
Nine times out of ten, some bright spark will then pipe up:
"Oh don't worry -
you'll find someone soon."
And then guess what? The cycle continues. All over again.
Without wanting to sound nasty, for fear of being neg-repped into oblivion by one of the OP's new-found friends (
omg!!1 how can yoo say that u meenie!
), I've gotta say to the original OP - something's gotta be at fault here if you haven't had some form of relationship with a girl at your age. Seriously.
It's time for you to get your arse in gear. Time to stop being the way that you are now. Time to change yourself for the better.
Do you dress well? Nice trendy clothes? Nice trendy haircut? If not, get started on those sharpish. Not only will you look more attractive, you'll also feel a whole lot better about yourself inside and out. Go to Topman/Urban Outfitters/Selfridges. Go to Toni and Guy. Ask them what's in style. Go with what they say. If there's skin problems, get yourself down to a beauty salon. You won't regret it. Trust me on this.
Next, and as someone posted earlier, start getting yourself into regular social situations. Get out more. Get talking to girls. Know what they're like.
The key thing here, and I'm gonna sound controversial here - you've gotta start being a bit of an arse around girls. You've stated earlier that most of the girls you know have gotten you down as a nice guy and as just friend material. Kiss of death, mate. Girls are never going to be interested in you in a sexual way if you keep on going on like that. Yes, girls may state all the time that all they're looking for is a nice guy, but do they ever really go for that kind of ideal?
Never. Why? Because the nice guys are so predictable and boring. The bad boys are always the ones who hold the most interest and excitement with the opposite sex. Forget the girls that you know, they're probably never gonna come round to seeing you as a potential boyfriend now. First impressions do count for a lot and all that.
Check out your friends that are in relationships and see how they act around their girls. Check out - everything that you need for dating is in there. It's your new damn bible.
As I've said, I'm only trying to give some honest advice here. Don't throw any heat my way, I only mean well!