The Student Room Group

I Can't get close to people

Not sure how to explain this really....but the title explains it - I can't seem to get close to people. By this I mean my friends, my family etc etc. Eg - about a year ago I found out 2 of my guy friends had crushes on me - I didn't like them in that way, and resulted in becoming distant with them, and pushing them away from me (not physically), and as a result, we're not such good friends anymore, even though they don't fancy anymore. (sorry if this sounds big headed).
I find it hard being really close friends with people, as I'm such a private person myself, although I do have a number of amazingly good friends. It's the same with my family - I don't tell them anything about myself or my life, and we're not that close as a result. It just keeps me thinking that I'll just keep on pushing people out of my life and end up with no friends, or at least no close friends :frown: Anyone else ever feel like this?
Reply 1
I do the same thing as you... perhaps you should just invite a few of your friends round for a day just bumming around with movies and food, and just try and cement your relationship with them again?