The Student Room Group

Waxing - how badly does it hurt?

ok, so i'm going on holiday and am thinking about getting my legs and bikini line done. truthfully now - how much pain is there? dont know how brave i'll be when i get to the waxing salon... but i might even opt for the brazilian option. how long does it take for the hair to grow back? if you get it all taken off 'down there' does it come backall stubbly? (gross i know - sorry)

help plz...
Reply 1
well the legs... the shins are okay for me personally, its the thighs that hurt like a motherf****** lol. but its only for a second and the results are FANTASTIC. i never had a wax on my bikini line though, s srry!
Reply 2
I had my legs waxed once, the pain wasnt so bad, although worse in the ankle area that stings a lot but only for a few seconds then after my legs were red for a while and after that fine :smile:
It doesn't hurt on your, just stings for a few seconds but the more you get it done, the less it hurts as less hair grows back and you get used it. I've never had my bikini line done but considering it, and have been told it hurts but is definately worth it!
I can't actually bring myself to let the hair on my legs grow long enough to be waxed off. But about a fortnight ago I had my first Brazilian, and yes it hurt, but not as much as I was afraid it would. You just have to grin and bear it, and make sure you go to a reputable salon.
Thats the only draw back about waxing; the grow back. My boyfriend is coming up in a week to visit so hes going to have to put up with hairy legs which isn't very attractive. Luckily I have really fair hair and have been waxing for years so you can't see it unless you look closely.

Ouch for the Brazilian. I'm still plucking up the courage for a straight forward bikini.
Just go for it. I think what helped with me is that I'm really ticklish, and couldn't stop giggling as she was putting the warm wax on, so that kind of distracted me for a second and then she ripped off the first strip and I was like, "****! Oh, actually that wasn't so bad..."
Ahh, well i'm ridiculously ticklish so might work for me too.

Next time I get my legs waxed, I might just go for it and be brave!
I imagine it would hurt about as much as having 500 hairs ripped out of your skin within half a second.

Oh wait.
Reply 9
I have my bikini line done regularly, and yeah it hurts, but its over with so quickly, and if you get it done properly then its fine.
