The Student Room Group

Did I do the right thing?

OK, basically last night both my parents got extremely drunk, and normally it's just mum that does, but this time dad did too and wanted me to get drunk with him to get back at mum as he was pissed off with her for getting drunk all the time. So last night he just came up to my room and put a glass of wine in front of me and said, "ah, c'mon, lets just get ****ed cos i'm completely pissed off with mum and i just wanna get pissed" then he started asking me to promise if i'd drink the rest of the bottle of wine then go onto beers and I really didn't want to.

So I didn't want to stay in thr house so I left and rang a friend who lives nearby and he picked me up and drove back to his and i just stayed the night there. Then when I rang home this morning Mum was still drunk-ish- hang over I expect and said I'd have to walk home and she'd meet me half way, which she did. But, the friend that drove me back to his, is still a learner driver and if he'd been caught then that would have been bad. So basically, I feel really embarrased about what i did- did I wimp out? Should I have stayed at home? I feel really bad for choosing the easy option and just running away.
Reply 1
No, parents should never use their children against each other in arguements.

Driving in the car, yes that was wrong. Imagine how much **** you would be in if he had been caught or the car had crashed.
I think I would have done the same thing!:smile: But maybe it is a gd idea to have a serious chat with your folks about the drinking..!Tell your dad you dont want to get pissed..and that you dont feel comfortable if he asks you to get pissed! And certaintly not when he just wants to get drunk because he is in an argument!!!

About that your friend is just a learning driver..that wasnt a really smart careful with that next time..cant you take a bus or go with the bike?!

Anyway goodluck!
Reply 3
I think I would have done the same thing!:smile: But maybe it is a gd idea to have a serious chat with your folks about the drinking..!Tell your dad you dont want to get pissed..and that you dont feel comfortable if he asks you to get pissed! And certaintly not when he just wants to get drunk because he is in an argument!!!

About that your friend is just a learning driver..that wasnt a really smart careful with that next time..cant you take a bus or go with the bike?!

Anyway goodluck!

Yeah, I would, only I live in the middle of no where- there is a train station, but that only has major links to london during the day, so by 9pm there were no trains left. Bike would be good next time yeah, though it's on country roads when it's dark. And, to be fair, I had no idea he was going to come in his car on his own, I thought one of his parents was going to pick me up. But yeah, hopefully there won't be a next time! But I think I was right just to leave, I mean, who should endure that when you don't have to? But, I am scarred by what dad did. He's never ever done anything like that- I'm used to Mum, but when that support (dad) goes- then it's really bad.

I only have 1 more school year left, then GAP year- so I'm thinking for that I might try and get a decent job and rent a flat somewhere so I don't have to live at home. Could be abroad, or in London or somewhere, but I think that's the best idea?
parents shold not use thier kids against each other
you did the right thing
Reply 5
Bla bla parents shouldnt do this bla..

Stand up for yourself! Your parents are humans just like you, they make mistakes. I'd have told them both they aint drinking anymore and then tried to confiscate it, then they should sit down and sort thier problems out instead of getting hammered. If they didnt listen i'd tell them that i didnt wanna be around them while they were going on like morons, and if they still continued i would have left.