The Student Room Group

OTC - how difficult?

Hey I have recently been reading up on the Officer Training Corps for University students, I just wondered, how difficult is the selection process and the medical, I've never had a medical or fitness test before, are they intense?

I'm not a fitness fanatic, probably average, does this cut it? I think I have the potential to get into good fitness, but I'm just worried that I go through the whole process only to be upset in being told that I didn't pass the medical or fitness test...

Any help would be appreciated!
Depends really, which OTC are you applying to?

ULOTC required me to undertake a BPFA (1.5 mile run, max sit ups and press ups in 2 minutes).

Cant really comment on the female side for fitness, but remember you are going to be doing alot of section attacks (25m sprints etc, crawling around so good cardio and muscular strength is a benefit).
Reply 2
Edinburgh University one, thanks for the info, I have a better understanding of what is expected, from a personal point of view have you found it to be enjoyable?
Best thing I have done at uni (almost :wink: )

You'll make some good mates, learn alot about yourself (odd how 3am sentry duty does that to people lol), plus it looks good on your CV or interview when they ask you what you did at uni if you can say:

"Well at the weekend i was leading a section attack of 8 guys on a GPMG SF position, tabbed about 15k across Salisbury Plain and secured Imber Village...I then got home and made a start on my environmental issues essay"
Reply 4
Ditto, I was at Tayforth, just up thje road from Edinburgh, OTC was (almost :wink: ) one of the best things I did and definately the best 'club' I joined. It gave me good insight into the military, runnig round in greens is great fun, shooting rocks :biggrin: . In all interviews Ive had my OTC has come up so lots of brwonie points. You dont ahve to be super fit they will bring you along slowly, its not too hard to get into, go along to your freshers fayre and have a chat with them.

Its a great club, I loved it and had 2 african trips and one insane weeks skiing out of it!
Reply 5
Come on Edinburgh UOTC!! I spent almost 5 infamous years there! Even if you are not the military type it's a really good place to boost your personality and life experiences. I was a very shy bod before I rocked up, fortunatly the BSM we had at the time had just came from Sandhurst so he knew how to deal with the student types, he pushed me into situations which required me to come out of the shell and take control.
My shooting really sucked, to this date I still hold the worst amazing 3 out of 60!! However much better with an L118.
If you go to Edinburgh you will see several photgraphs of me, and my name up in Lights as the best JUO in 2004!
As Stavix said you can go on lots of trips, there tends to be about 2 ski trips per year, sailing on the Army boat, Parachuting and much more can be done, and the brilliant thing is you can get paid for it!!!!!!!!!!

P.S Join the Pipes and Drums, my little train set was the best sub-unit in the Corp!!!
Reply 6
sailing on the Army boat

You'd be amazed how little the boats are used. The booking applications rarely make it past the officers' mess. Hassle your staff to find out more, trust me, it's a good crack.
Reply 7
The sailing was always the CAV troops thing, there were lots of saling trips in Edinburgh. Alas a bit to slow and not destructive enough for my liking!!
The memories of the day I qualified on my L118, brings a tear to the eye!
Reply 8
Alas a bit to slow and not destructive enough for my liking!!
WTF!? The lads (bar the officers) of 2PWRR aren't allowed to go sailing anymore because they traumatised the residents of Newport, IoW at last years regi sailing lol!
Reply 9
What did they do? getting naked is always popular, if the comp involved beaching the boat jumping out shooting your rifle, Lebanese unload ,stress positions for the residents, now that would be fun!!!
Reply 10
What did they do? getting naked is always popular, if the comp involved beaching the boat jumping out shooting your rifle, Lebanese unload ,stress positions for the residents, now that would be fun!!!

They were just themselves on a lads pish up. I wasn't there myself last year but was one of only 2 non commissioned servicemen at the do this year.
Reply 11
I've just passed my pre RCB (cat 1 :cheers: !! :biggrin: ) but decided to post pone my main board for a couple of years and join the OTC until then- everyone else at the briefing seem to have had some sort of previous experience of obstacle courses/ fitness tests/ army life etc and it was my first time doing it all so my Col advised me to join an OTC!

What are they like- just looked at ULOTC and it looks great so I'm going to join that... if I get the grades, and then if i pass the physical :eek: !!
Reply 12
Well done you :biggrin: thats good! keep on building as there is quite a big jump to RCB, think its an excellant idea to wait a bit and join OTC, you'll have a blast, make awesome friends etc etc.
On the medical side - its based on the PULHEEMS system (and is pretty much the same as the regular medical apparently); it invovles a sight test, hearing test, urine check, drop and cough for men, few checks of bodily functions etc etc