Come on Edinburgh UOTC!! I spent almost 5 infamous years there! Even if you are not the military type it's a really good place to boost your personality and life experiences. I was a very shy bod before I rocked up, fortunatly the BSM we had at the time had just came from Sandhurst so he knew how to deal with the student types, he pushed me into situations which required me to come out of the shell and take control.
My shooting really sucked, to this date I still hold the worst amazing 3 out of 60!! However much better with an L118.
If you go to Edinburgh you will see several photgraphs of me, and my name up in Lights as the best JUO in 2004!
As Stavix said you can go on lots of trips, there tends to be about 2 ski trips per year, sailing on the Army boat, Parachuting and much more can be done, and the brilliant thing is you can get paid for it!!!!!!!!!!
P.S Join the Pipes and Drums, my little train set was the best sub-unit in the Corp!!!