The Student Room Group

Does anyone ever hate one of their parents?

This is more of a rant, and not expecting a reply as such.

I've just been out for a meal with my parents to this really posh place, and had a really nice time. My parents had a bottle of wine, and as well as this my Dad had 2 pints of bitter. After the meal, my Dad went to watch the cricket, and had obviously had quite a bit to drink by the time me and my Mum went to pick him up. Tonight we are meant to be going to a 21st birthday party of some friends of the family, and me and Mum were just joking how they should just put him and my uncle in the corner away from everyone else, when I said "Don't embarass Tom and Charlotte on their birthday" because I know he'd had a bit to drink already and there will be alcohol there tonight. Anyway, my Dad got totally out of order and started swearing and shouting at me about how its he wont embarass anyone and its none of my business how much hes had to drink. Fair enough it isn't but when I know a lot of people going tonight, I don't want my Dad to make a fool of himself or me. He continued to shout and swear at me for about 5 minutes by which point I was shouting back and crying; I never shout at my Dad because he'd not put up with it. I even called him 'an arsehole' and a 'knob head' which are totally deserved seeing as what I said to him didn't really consitute a slagging match. I'm almost 20 years old for crying out loud and my Dad shouts at me as if i'm 5 years old. It really narks me off!!

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Reply 1
My parents always do this to me especially where my brother is concerned. For instance today my brother came home from work just as my parents were going out and he shouted at me "put your belly away" which I thought was totally out of order because my belly wasnt "out" anyway, so I shouted back at him and my mum had a huge go at me about how I should just ignore my brother. It p*sses me off because he seems to be allowed to go around saying and doing whatever the hell he likes, it's accepted and almost expected of him. Yet everyone else has to tiptoe around everything they say to him, especially me or else I get shouted at like I'm a five year old.
I can't wait to move out in september.
It obviously is your business how much he's had to drink, cos its going to affect your evening and he's your dad. Im not sure if you can hate him for saying that when he was drunk as he probably wasnt totally himself. He may just be a mean drunk in which tell him before he starts drinking that you dont want him drunk.

If you were rly hurt, tell him and he will probably say sorry. :wink:
In answer to your thread title, yes; as to whether you'll get over this within three days, also yes. :smile:
Reply 4
This is more of a rant, and not expecting a reply as such.

I've just been out for a meal with my parents to this really posh place, and had a really nice time. My parents had a bottle of wine, and as well as this my Dad had 2 pints of bitter. After the meal, my Dad went to watch the cricket, and had obviously had quite a bit to drink by the time me and my Mum went to pick him up. Tonight we are meant to be going to a 21st birthday party of some friends of the family, and me and Mum were just joking how they should just put him and my uncle in the corner away from everyone else, when I said "Don't embarass Tom and Charlotte on their birthday" because I know he'd had a bit to drink already and there will be alcohol there tonight. Anyway, my Dad got totally out of order and started swearing and shouting at me about how its he wont embarass anyone and its none of my business how much hes had to drink. Fair enough it isn't but when I know a lot of people going tonight, I don't want my Dad to make a fool of himself or me. He continued to shout and swear at me for about 5 minutes by which point I was shouting back and crying; I never shout at my Dad because he'd not put up with it. I even called him 'an arsehole' and a 'knob head' which are totally deserved seeing as what I said to him didn't really consitute a slagging match. I'm almost 20 years old for crying out loud and my Dad shouts at me as if i'm 5 years old. It really narks me off!!

You've just described every day of my life
You've just described every day of my life

Mine too, until I finally refused to have a conversation with my dad again - when he did this, he wasn't even drunk. 6 years and we haven't had a conversation over 30 seconds long since. And, bloody hell, life is so much quieter.
hmm. im 18 and my dad still smacks me
Reply 7
I love my parents. They're great. The odd disagreement is inevitable but that's life I suppose :smile:
Reply 8
hmm. im 18 and my dad still smacks me

Eww. That's not right.
hmm. im 18 and my dad still smacks me

Smack him back.
Reply 10
I don't get on with my dad at all. I'm not sure if I'd say that I hate him, just don't like him very much.
Reply 11
I avoid my parents as much as I can. Life is so much easier.
This is not advice :ninja:
well my mum got wasted ( but then again, she has drink problems so it was kind of expected) at my 18th and started crying and made my sister cry so my auntie had to send her home in a taxi. It probably was the most embarassing time of my life, everyone was asking me what was wrong with her. Then the next day which was actually my birthday she was hung over, she didn't say sorry for ruining my night, she stayed in bed all day, we had to cancel our lunch reservation and I stayed in on my own watching TV. But do I hate her? No, she's my mum, I pity her and that might be worse...
My Dad.

I wouldn't call it's just he's so...malicious sometimes.

Okay - I have no job, I'm nearly off to uni in a few months and have next to no savings. Yes, it's a big problem. I sometimes go up to bed way too late (3am/4am) and sometimes forget to turn off the downstairs lights as I go up (which adds unnecessary electricity bill costs). I haven't passed my driving test and sometimes ask them for lifts.

So he moans at me. Big deal? No - I deserve it.

What annoys me though is he ALWAYS waits until it's just me and him around. He wouldn't dare moan and shout at me in front of my mum or my sister. I don't mind being moaned at but I hate spending any time alone with him because I know this is when he will go off on one about stuff in my life I'm trying to change anyway. I used to like watching a film with him downstairs in the living room when my mum and sister were out or whatever but now I have to stay holed up in my room because I'll get moaned at non-stop until they get home.

I wouldn't even mind being moaned at if he wasn't so back-handed with it - if just once my mum was in the backroom and he moaned at me in the kitchen, I'd forgive him but he's just so malicious when he picks times he knows he won't lose an argument that he probably wouldn't lose anyway.:mad:
i hate both of them im goona move out and get a flat asap
it's none of your business how much your father drinks - just because you are a girl doesn't give you the ammunition to attack his drinking. Think about it, a son wouldn't do the same.

I don't like either of my parents but i love them both.
well my mum got wasted ( but then again, she has drink problems so it was kind of expected) at my 18th and started crying and made my sister cry so my auntie had to send her home in a taxi. It probably was the most embarassing time of my life, everyone was asking me what was wrong with her. Then the next day which was actually my birthday she was hung over, she didn't say sorry for ruining my night, she stayed in bed all day, we had to cancel our lunch reservation and I stayed in on my own watching TV. But do I hate her? No, she's my mum, I pity her and that might be worse...

your problem is much more of a problem than the thread starter. sorry kiddo.
Reply 17
I try not to think about my dad much, it's just easier that way. Sometimes I want to go and stay with him, but I don't trust him at all. Only a few weeks ago I drove to his house to deliver some letters that had been delivered to our house by mistake (he still hasn't had them re-directed :rolleyes: ), and he clearly wasn't himself. I don't know if it was alcohol or something else, but it was obvious he'd taken something.

Funny, the number of times I'd heard him say, no promise "I'll never drink again", I was actually starting to believe him. The last time I'd seen him before that day he was fine, but of course his sister was down so he wouldn't have gotten away with it.

Sometimes I hate him. There are many memories that sometimes I just want to forget. The memory of him standing outside my front door with blood on his face and a stupid grin, while being held on one arm by a police officer with that judging look in his eye, as if he was wondering why I hadn't kept an eye on him (for god's sake, I was 17, I wasn't the adult there!), or another time when I saw him slouching on the couch, occasionally making rasping noises when he breathed and not moving at all except for his eyes following me around the room when he opened them.

The worst of all was when he followed my mum to a party she was going to (he was drunk, of course) one time, and when they came back hours later, my mum was obviously (and quite rightly) extremely pissed off at him.
This story basically ends in my dad shouting at my mum, pushing her into the kitchen table, me running in there and shouting back at him to defend my mum (it wasn't that brave a thing to do I suppose, I kinda tower over him anyway), and my mum calls the police and he gets taken away to spend the night in a cell. They split up shortly after (he still hasn't signed the divorce papers :rolleyes: ).

But then there are other times as well when I think he was actually an alright guy. Just little things like driving to town with him and going round all the shops, or just tackling another doomed project in the garden. Heck, one time when I was 9 he even played rounders with me and my 2 sisters in our garden.

It's a pity that side is pretty much gone, though.

So I guess I don't really hate him, I just feel sorry for him. I feel sorry that at one point in his life he had a good job, a nice home, the respect of his neighbours, and a family, and he's lost it.

I really needed to get that off my chest. I will see him sometime, though, don't worry or anything. He needs someone to help him tidy up his house :biggrin:
Reply 18
I hate my father. He had a very conservative idea of how a father is supposed to treat his kids. Quite abusive, and would isolate me from him. He use to always argue with my mum, and me.

Whoever legalised divorce is a genius. If it was not for my parents separating, I would probably have killed myself, and I certainly would not have been able to concentrate and do well in my A levels.
My dad changes too much, I never know what to expect. He can be so so angry and aggresive, I really don't think anyone's Dad gets as mine does. Like hes really clever and used to help me with hw or work...I always ended up crying, so now if ever I can't do something I never go to him because he just makes me feel so stupid and calls me "*****ing stupid" etc etc. My mum sticks up for me in these types situations.

But then if I majorly screw up, then he's the one that'll hug me and tell me everythings ok and that he doesn't hate me where as my mum will take ages to forgive me.

Yes I sometimes hate my dad, and I mean hate, and even if he's being nice to me, his dick head side can always come back into my mind and remind me of what he can be. I love him, but not as much as I should maybe.

God, i just ranted urgh how annoying