The Student Room Group


Ok, I'm not the most athletic guy.

But I want to join a gym to become more so. I'm not concerned with the technicalities of it - I don't want to know what the equipment is or whatever. do you healthy gymoholics feel when somone walks in and lasts less than two minutes on a treadmill or gets sweaty just after a couple of backs-and-forths on the rowing machine?

How comfortable are gyms for new members that are like this? Should I bother or will I just get ripped into, sneered at and made to feel inferior?
Reply 1
I don't give a damn what the person two treadmills away thinks about what I'm doing. I'm there because I paid membership and I have every right to do as little or as much as I want.
Reply 2
lol Why does everyone have this attitude towards the ppal in the gym. Infact ppal there will help u and no one would rip u or look down at u
Depends on what kind of gym you go to. The small, independent gyms usually (in my experience) tend to mainly attract scally ner'dowells, ripped on an diet entirely of steroids and protein supplements. Whilst you won't get much looks if you don't try and do anything that's (to them) clearly beyond your reach or strength, you'll feel sh*te when you see yourself struggling to lift on the first rep and they're bench pressing twice what you weigh. Not a good motivator, is it?

The large gym chains (Virgin Active, David Lloyd, etc) have a clientelle almost made up entirely of dumpy 20-stone housewives, rich business types who sit on their ample sized arses all day and other assorted flabby failiures in fitness. All tend to lack the strength, determination and foresight to last more than two months before they jack it all in, so you can draw some courage from that, and hopefully strive to achieve your goals :smile:

Large chain gyms all the way. They may cost a packet, but it's one of the better ways to get fit. Trust me on this.
Reply 4
Yeah, I agree with the post above. I've always been rather scrawny, and I joined a gym (Cannons) over a year ago, I was a bit wary at first for the same reasons you are, but I soon realised there's nothing to worry about at all. Like the post above said, most of the people who go there are middle aged people trying to get rid of the beer bellies, so next to them I actually felt quite good, lol. Also, everyone's usually in their own little worlds when they're at the gym. Most people listen to mp3 players or watch the TVs. I stopped worrying about what other people thought of me/what I looked like, etc, as soon as I realised that I'd been there 5 or 6 times and never once formed an opinion on how anyone else was exercising. No one will care what you're doing, lol, and the gym staff will be really friendly and help you out with anything you need. If you sit down with them and tell you what you want to improve, ie, upper body, or just general cardio, they'll give you a list of machines that will suit you best. Seriously, no worries :smile:
Reply 5
It really depends on what kind of gym you join. Dont go to a really posh health club as its full of gymaholics. Go to a nice small gym, every1 normally keeps themselves to themselves. If anyone does say anything or sneers at you ignre them, you have just as much rite to be there as them
Reply 6
Speaking of treadmills, anyone know about how many calories you should try to burn each time?
Dont worry your sure to last more then 2 minutes on a treadmill, its not like running for real, those things are extramly easy and you can change the speed to a slow walk if thats what it takes.
Reply 8
I wouldn't worry about it at all. I joined my local gym about 2 weeks ago and have been about 4 times since. the first 2 i went with a friend who knew wat he was doing and made me feel a little more comfortable, the other two times i went on my own and just stayed on the bike for an hour each time. Took a magazine and my MP3 player and just happily pedalled away for 60 mins, wasn't going fast and wasn't doing nearly as much as the very athletic lady on the bike next to me, but I took it at my pace and enjoyed myself. Doesn't matter what other people think just go for it :smile: