The Student Room Group


Me and my boyfriend were together for about 2 years when he kissed someone else. I was really really angry about it at the time but we kind of ended up not being together but acting like we were sort of. But I don't think I can be with him because of what he has done but I don't know if I'm over-reacting? I don't want to be a doormat to let him think its ok to do something like that. I don't know what I should do? Once a cheat, always a cheat?
Reply 1
You scuppered a two-year relationship over a kiss?

Jesus wept.
Reply 2
If he's done it once I'd say it makes him more likely to do it again than if he's never done it. I guess it depends on all the circumstances and the details of the situation but the fact is that after 2 years together he was willing to throw it all away for a kiss.
Perhaps he was feeling the stress of a long term relationship. But no, it's not acceptable for him to do something like that. If you think you can forgive him then give it another go, just don't leave the relationship in limbo.
a kiss does seem insignificant, but if it was me i would go ape! i suppose i would ask why he did it, and see if he answers sincerely. i wouldnt leave it in limbo, it drags it out either way which can be pretty ugly- trust me!
Reply 5
(edited 12 years ago)
Reply 6
its just a kiss, anything more would be fair enough , but any young hot blooded male will make mistakes from time to time, we're all only human.
Reply 7
All people changed
I changed from something to another thing in 3 MONTHS!!
+ Drunk, Drugged, Surprised, Short... are all of the much things that depend so i say it should have been a more working out situation than dumping straight away because u prove nothing if u give up
hmmm i guess it depends what sort of kiss it was and why, but still it would make your partner's blood boil at best.
2 years? Maybe he just needed some other contact... a brief graze to realise the grass is indeed not greener.