The Student Room Group

Severe pain in ankles

I'm currently running a lot and I over did it last week and since i've been unable to walk because of severe pain in my ankles - it hurts even when i'm sat with my feet off. Not just a dull ache either but very painful. Shooting pains etc. I've put the tens machine one but it doesn't seem to be helping much. So I just wondered what I should be doing - is there any point visiting the walk in centre? Or should I stap my ankles up etc etc..

Reply 1
Pretty sure if it's very painful a visit to the doctor would be advisable.
Reply 2
hmm...two possibilities. either you've pulled some muscles in your ankles or, due to the amount of running you've done you've gotten stress fractures.

Then again, there may be some other explanation for it, but either way, go see your GP :smile: