The Student Room Group
No point going if you'll be worrying about them turning up all the time - you won't enjoy it.

Alternatively, bring some form of weaponry with you.
Reply 2
My friends' party is in two days. It's going to be mainly in his backgarden. A few of the local "team" do not like me muchos and I believe want to "batter" me. They live extremely worryingly nearby to the back garden. I'm scared they'll turn up to the party and my friend won't be able to turn them away - do you think I should go or not?

Opinions would be wonderful.
If the don't 'batter' you now, they'll only find you some other time. You may as well getit over with. Go to the party.
Reply 4
get really drunk and high, get thsoe people really drunk and high. and then you'll end up loving each other. Also go late and then you can recognise thir situation and what their plans are for the rest of night. This way you can avoid danger and essentially, death.

The weapon idea was also sensible.
Reply 5
act all gay around them. it might scare them off
Reply 6
act all gay around them. it might scare them off

They're not on the invitation list guys. They just might turn up. That might change the situation.

If I act gay they'll just hook me on the spot. Fact.
Reply 7
hmph...then carry a weapon of some sort
Reply 8
hmph...then carry a weapon of some sort

Unless he's got a gun and can hold off multiple attacks i'd advise in not bothering. If he takes a weapon and tries to use it - the chances are they'll get hold of it and use it on him and be even more pissed off with him for taking a weapon. (aAlthough i hope the weapon suggestion was in jest)
Reply 9
Unless he's got a gun and can hold off multiple attacks i'd advise in not bothering. If he takes a weapon and tries to use it - the chances are they'll get hold of it and use it on him and be even more pissed off with him for taking a weapon. (aAlthough i hope the weapon suggestion was in jest)

Aye. I'd never carry a weapon. Ever
Reply 10
i have the same kind of problem where i live with the local rudeboy's after a bar brawl where i hit one of there friends. Would not worry about it most of the time they are just mouthing off but if they are going to do something they will fact. There is no point worring about it as you can't change it. Get on with your life and don't let them scare you off from doing what you would normally want to do. If they "batter" you then batter one of them back, go down trying and with pride knowing there was nothing else you could off done. Untill then just try and avoid conflict and get on with things :smile:
Reply 11
Be kind of embarassing though.
You could hook up with some beefy burly types, maybe hire them for the evening, or hire a policeman stripper, and pay her not to.
Do you really want to go?
Or if/when they turn up, just tank yourself up on booze and launch yourself at the biggest one there, knocking him out and thereby gaining their love and/or respect, and making them think twice next time.