The Student Room Group

What would you do if a guy said this to you?

Ok, the other day i was just lying on my bed with my boyf and suddenly he blurted out 'I wish i'd lost my virginity to you.' I was a bit in shock, i wasn't sure what to say and even less sure what he was expecting me to say. back when we were first together I used to randomly ask him whether he regretted losing his virginity when he did and he always said no and now he comes out with this. As it happens i ended up not replying i just smiled and kissed him like i do when have no idea what to say. I couldn't exactly say i felt the same cos i don't. Sure maybe it would have been nice to lose my virginity to the guy i'm in love with but surely that would mean regretting losing it when and to whom i did and to be perfectly honest i don't, at the time it was the right thing to do, i lost it to the guy i thought i was in love with, as it turns that didn't work, but can he really expect me to regret something like that. Has anyone else had there bf/gf say this to them or has anyone said it to ther bf/gf, what should i have said, should i have lied and said i felt the same, should i have told him the truth and risk upsetting him, or was i right to just hold my tongue and say nothing? It's gotta be one of the most random and slightly scary things anyone has ever said to me.
I would be flattered and would have said aww thanks, deep down knowing at least he really likes me then. :p:
Reply 2
i'd be mildly surprised
Reply 3
I agree with the second poster, I think he's just trying to express how much he loves you and maybe it just shows that your relationship is much better than the one in which he lost his virginity, and his feelings for you are much deeper? I mean, I wish I'd lost my virginity to my current boyfriend instead of my ex, because I certainly didn't enjoy it with him and he was a numpty anyway :smile:
I would look lovingly into the person's eyes, smile and then gently say:

"Wow, that's really cool - thanks! I'll be sure to record this carefully in my blog and not on TSR, seeing as no one can possibly tell me what I should do in my own (deeply-personal and individual) situation."
I agree with the second poster, I think he's just trying to express how much he loves you and maybe it just shows that your relationship is much better than the one in which he lost his virginity, and his feelings for you are much deeper? I mean, I wish I'd lost my virginity to my current boyfriend instead of my ex, because I certainly didn't enjoy it with him and he was a numpty anyway :smile:

Does that make me a bad person for not wishing i'd lost it to my current boyfriend even though i do love him alot more than i did the guy i lost it to? Sorry if that is not what you meant that is just a little how it sounded.
yes yes anon, naive and stupid :rolleyes: seen as though others agree with me also. I think you need to get a heart, I'm sure they are selling them cheap nowadays on Ebay.
Ron Stoppable
Has he ever said "I love you" to you? If not, then it sounds like another way of saying it, without mortifying you as much. How long have you two been together?

He says he loves me all the time, we've been together for about 9 months
Reply 8
id laugh in his face and say well tough you didn'[t really

im abit of a cold hearted bitch bag though
It's not that big of a deal, don't see why you were in shock. Just means he likes you more than the girl he lost it to, right?
I would look lovingly into the person's eyes, smile and then gently say:

"Wow, that's really cool - thanks! I'll be sure to record this carefully in my blog and not on TSR, seeing as no one can possibly tell me what I should do in my own (deeply-personal and individual) situation."

Hahaha. Nobody else found that amusing?
I'd rep you if I could. :biggrin:
Does that make me a bad person for not wishing i'd lost it to my current boyfriend even though i do love him alot more than i did the guy i lost it to? Sorry if that is not what you meant that is just a little how it sounded.

Er no I never said anything about being a bad person :confused:

Everyone is different, his past relationships will have been different to yours. Obviously I don't know what his were like, but as I was saying, from my personal experience, my first relationship turned out pretty rubbish. Hence why I wish I hadn't wasted it on him :smile: Maybe his experience has been similar?
Reply 12
Its not something to be freaked out about. My gf said she wished that she was the one i lost my V to. I just smiled and said i was flattered.
Don't worry it just means he loves you a lot and maybe he thought it would of been more special but i think it was more a carried away with the moment thing.
Just take it as a compliment, you don't have to regret losing your virginity to someone else, but surely you can wish that it was with this new person because if he makes you happy then thats what you want, no? Just tell him that you wish it was him 2, regretting and doing something differently are two different things. You dont have to regret it, it may have made you who you are today, but with hindsight, you may have waited etc. :smile: