Ok, the other day i was just lying on my bed with my boyf and suddenly he blurted out 'I wish i'd lost my virginity to you.' I was a bit in shock, i wasn't sure what to say and even less sure what he was expecting me to say. back when we were first together I used to randomly ask him whether he regretted losing his virginity when he did and he always said no and now he comes out with this. As it happens i ended up not replying i just smiled and kissed him like i do when have no idea what to say. I couldn't exactly say i felt the same cos i don't. Sure maybe it would have been nice to lose my virginity to the guy i'm in love with but surely that would mean regretting losing it when and to whom i did and to be perfectly honest i don't, at the time it was the right thing to do, i lost it to the guy i thought i was in love with, as it turns that didn't work, but can he really expect me to regret something like that. Has anyone else had there bf/gf say this to them or has anyone said it to ther bf/gf, what should i have said, should i have lied and said i felt the same, should i have told him the truth and risk upsetting him, or was i right to just hold my tongue and say nothing? It's gotta be one of the most random and slightly scary things anyone has ever said to me.