The Student Room Group

Age and Weights


Im 18 years old and im thinking of getting weights to bump up my arms a bit
However my father INSISTS that weights are dangerous for your growing untill your 20
He thinks that they are very uncompatible with a growing body and ive just turned 18
Do u think so or is it just the father talkin?
Im 6ft 3in and he INSISTS that they are dangerous for my body being that im supposedly "growing".
However i will go to uni soon and i can do watever he doesnt know:tongue:....
So was just woundering what do you think!?

Thanks All
Reply 1
Surely its good to put in the effect with weights early when you're still growing? It's like your bones - Drinking plenty of milk (containing calcium) early will keep your bones strong throughout your life. My brother, 14, does weights frequently and he seems to be getting through OK :P

Do some searching on the internet - I'm sure this debate has come up - To prove your Dad otherwise :wink:
Reply 2
weights can often be dangerous to people who dont know how to use them properly, my advice to you is to join a gym and seek some real guidence on what is best for specifically you.
Reply 3
I think its best to start pretty early, 18 is about ideal. The male body is oozing with testosterone thus making the abilty to gain quailty muscle mass easier then if you were a 35 yr old and starting weights.

Make sure you take it easy though and dont lift beyond you limits, and the gains will come along with a quailty diet.