The Student Room Group
Reply 1
he likes you and you fancy him...I think you've answered your own question!
Reply 2
He meant 'is what we're doing okay with you?'
He meant 'is what we're doing okay with you?'

Reply 4
He asked if "You were cool" and you didnt understand that? Honestly....... How can you not understand that? It obviously means "are we ok?" or something similar.

Then he said he wanted more, blaitently meaning at the time of being "cool" you were just friends, and now he wants to be more than that, as in a relationship......

Brain surgeory this stuff......
Reply 5
actually i would disgree with Andy. He doesn't know what he's talking about :P. I would have said the "are we cool" initially could have been a bit of a "oops made a mistake...we're normal? (i.e. just friends)" sort of comment, BUT then you say he wants more. So obviously I've misinterpreted it! I think you should ask for clarification about what your relationship with him is. Then at least you'll know what's going on.
Reply 6
Just means that everything is 'ok'.
Reply 7
actually i would disgree with Andy. He doesn't know what he's talking about :P. I would have said the "are we cool" initially could have been a bit of a "oops made a mistake...we're normal? (i.e. just friends)" sort of comment, BUT then you say he wants more. So obviously I've misinterpreted it! I think you should ask for clarification about what your relationship with him is. Then at least you'll know what's going on.

What? No, you're just making it more complicated. There's nothing more to it.
depends how he said it, just phone him up and ask. Y'know put your cards on the table kinda thing.
Reply 9
lol@this thread..

'are ye cool?!'

'omfg i guess so yeah baby!'

depends how he said it, just phone him up and ask. Y'know put your cards on the table kinda thing.

Indeed, it could eman two things...

Either 'are you OK with this going on, as we were friends before, but more now?'

or 'Is everything OK, between us, as I still want to be friends despite what happened?'

Now either could have been meant, depending on exaclty when and how h said it. The follow up text would certainly point more towards the first situation, though he could have intially meant the second and had a change of mind.

Either way, go for it and see where it leads... :biggrin:
more than that, as in a relationship...

I think he could have meant more asin 'seeing each other' aka **** buddies...... anyone else think this??:confused:
Reply 12
I have a hunch he meant 'should I turn up the radiator?'
Reply 13
public education has failed.....
Reply 14
my boyfriend uses that line alot, it's just to make sure i'm happy and not feeling preasured and am happy with what were up too. Guess it's a bit like checking we're both still mad about each other and ain't gotten bored.