The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Some say "love at first sight".

Personally i think thats a load of bollucks.
yeh you can, but it feels weird.
In my opinion - no. You can care about someone very deeply, and fancy them a lot, but by my definition, love has to be a mutual feeling.
I think you can love them....but you can;t be in love with them...if that makes sense. To be in love with someone, the feeling has to be mutual. But I think it is possible to love someone who doesn't feel the same way about you.
Reply 5
If you are in love with someone & they break up with u those feelings aren't just gonna go away so you would still love them. To love someone you have to be very close so maybe you could be in love with a close friend but people are often a bit different in relationships eg open up more so if you aren't going out you may not see the full picture.
Reply 6
no, you can't be in love without knowing the person well or atleast knowing them.
Reply 7
no, you can't be in love without knowing the person well or atleast knowing them.

The OP never said they didn't know them well, they just said they weren't going out with them.

I think you can love someone that you're not with or who doesn't feel the same way but its not the same kind of love that you'd share with someone who does return the feeling
I think you definitely can- there's nothing in that old unwritten rulebook of love that says you can't, surely?
Reply 9
yeah Ive been in love with the same girl for almost 4 years, although my feelings towards her have gone a bit cos back in january she made it very clear she only liked me as a friend and I had to keep my sanity lol :p: but that shows how you can love someone who you're not 'going out with'
Reply 10
yes i think u can love someone who you're not going out with

and you can also love someone even if they don't love you back

of course those two situations are different from being "in love" and going out with someone, but in all cases, its love