The Student Room Group
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haha, apparently it's some magical way to lose body fat. here, this should get you started:
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High Intensity Interval Training


Reply 4
Sounds like a good way to get pregnant.
To put it simply, HIIT involves doing an x-second dash followed by x-second jog repeated over a set number of minutes. It is very good for improving your aerobic and anaerobic performance.
that hasnt been funny in any threads..... what a loser

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Never heard of that before :redface:
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It's possibly one of the most painful/horrible things I've ever been put through; 10x150m sprints with 45 seconds rest, then 5x400m sprints with 90 second rests was one of the worst rugby training sessions I've been to. Will definatly improve your fitness but I don't recommend it unless someone makes you do it.