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My Boyfriend dumped me :(

I'm not asking for advice or anything just want to rant and let my feelings out where nobody knows me.
I've been with Ben* for 2 years and the first year or so was great! we hardly ever argued and then suddenly over the last couple of months we have been arguing and arguing and what gets me is it's always over such trivial things! for example he has a friend (who i dont really like) who is sometimes nasty to me boyfriend, like the other day he was quite nasty to my boyfriend in front of me and a few of my friends and my boyfriend just took it, hes like that you have to do a LOT to piss him off but once hes pissed off it lasts for ages.
Anyway things came to a head today we were just arguing again over trivial things >example: we both gave up smoking together and he's been having the odd fag and not saying anything, i don't like him having secrets from me. I dont see why he didnt tell me because i would have been fine with it!
Once our arguing had come to a head he said i dont want to be with you anymore. but minutes earlier he said and i quote "i love you more than anything" :frown:
So we had a screaming match and then i left.
About 5 hours after the whole thing happened i called him and said "do you still feel the same?" he said "yeah" and that he will call me tomorrow when he's ready.
I dont know what to do i just love him so much and would do anything for him.
He says i need to stop being so grumpy and moany all the time and i dont even notice im doing it!! anyway anyone whos read all this thanks
Try to get dumped because your bf was cheating on you. It's a alot worst.
Reply 2
yeah sorry if thats your situation. But it is still upsetting splitting up with someone you still love to bits.
Reply 3
maybe its better for both of you.. may not seem it now, but you can still love someone, and not be with them. You need to be strong and not think your world is ending and avoid being so reliant on him. You'll come across desperate otherwise and then there will be little chance of a reconsilation.
yeah sorry if thats your situation. But it is still upsetting splitting up with someone you still love to bits.
Yeah thats mine. (I still love him). Look, he mine of just being saying it because he was mad at you, after he's calm down you mine get back together.

I've being in your situation with another ex and I got back together with him.
Reply 5
I just feel so bad, like my heart is breaking! I never thought that it could come to this. I love him so much and all i want for is him to be happy and if he needs to not be with me to be happy then so be it i would rather have him as just a friend than not at all :frown:
Reply 6
I just feel so bad, like my heart is breaking! I never thought that it could come to this. I love him so much and all i want for is him to be happy and if he needs to not be with me to be happy then so be it i would rather have him as just a friend than not at all :frown:
It will be hard being he's friend.
Reply 7
yes i know muse it will break my heart. But what can i do?!
Reply 8
The thing that has always worked for me after a break-up is to be totally apart for several weeks, not much contact etc. Then after I know I am totally over him and my feelings can never go back the way they were, I can be friends with him, and really good friends at that, no hesitations at all. And even though sometimes they have realised they want me back after this period, the getting-over period for me was so solid that I never would go back to feel the same way. Being friends straight after a break up has never worked for me. I think it works for people who slowly drift apart, not for sudden break ups. That is solely my experience though, I don't know if other people agree.

Being dumped is never ever ever easy. But close your eyes for a minute, and think of yourself 6 months later, you are obviously not still going to be sad at this loss, so at some point you will have stopped being sad. Look forward to that point! And be sad all you want until that day, when you are totally over him.

You can still love each other, after all you have spent so long together. But it's in a different way.
Reply 9
heres a trivia: romance changes your brain chemically which lasts for 8 - 16 months... the rest, its all up to the persons involved in the relationship.

lol no wonder i suddenly lost interest on my ex.. XD

but love is still there.. its just the romance thats gone :biggrin:
Well maybe give it a couple days to cool off maybe then call him, if he truely loves you he'll get back with you if he doesn't then he was obviously looking for a way out.