The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Have you been drinking enough? dehydration can give you headaches and make you feel lethargic in the heat.
Reply 2
Me too to a certain extent, it's not nice.
Reply 3
lie down and put a wet/damp flannel around your neck, it really cools you down as major arteries run down there so it helps a lot to cool your blood.
Reply 4
Drink loads of water (an obv one) use a fan if you have one (if not get one because they make so much difference) and also if you run your wrists under the cold tap or on some ice of something for a few minutes its a good quick fix, especially if you're out or something

heat doesnt agree with me either. I dont even get a tan to make up for it. hrmph.
Reply 5
Yeah I'm drinking plenty of water. Got a fan too, but tbh it isn't air conditioning. :frown:
Reply 6
I hate it. I haven't been out all day because the sun fries me half to death on days like this.
Reply 7
Yeah, I feel like that. Of course having sun stroke doesn't help!

Drink plenty of water and eat (more) frequently, you should feel a little better.
Reply 8
Come on people, we only get this for a few weeks a year - don't jinx it!!

But yeah, lots of water - maybe squash as well as it'll give you a bit more energy
Reply 9
my room is 30c. :frown: :frown: :frown:

Im drinking loads but still feeling pretty bad. I got an interview tomorrow and they want candiates in a suit *mad*
Reply 10
we moan when its hot!
we moan when its cold!

drink more water, shower more?

maybe water fights? or trips swimming, or to the beach?

u could buy a fan?xxx
Reply 11
I don't know why but my room is the most stuffy in the house. I think it is like 36 cel. I mean the pc being in it blasting hot air around the room doesn't help.
Reply 12
we moan when its hot!
we moan when its cold!

drink more water, shower more?

maybe water fights? or trips swimming, or to the beach?

u could buy a fan?xxx

I don't moan when it's cold. I rejoice.

Anyway, people may moan it's cold. The idea is we want warm weather, not oven type weather.
Reply 13
Ron Stoppable
Just your room?

dont know i aint moved my tempeture clock gadget thingy. Ive got my windows open and it aint helping.
Reply 14
I hate this weather :frown: would rather freeze to death than fry to death anyday!
Reply 15
Reply 16
I keep fainting in the heat. I don't avoid being outside though, may as well make the most out of this almost unbearable heat.
Reply 17
I usually love the sun, gives a really good atmosphere and i love lying around trying to get a tan. However, this weather is SO hot it is unbearable! I can't stand to be outside for more than 2 minutes in it, it's so hot!! How do people live in this every day? I do hate the rain too though i must admit!
I'm currently on work experience at a local primary school, which is shattering enough, but the heat is unbearable.

I actually have an allergy to the UVA rays in the sun, so I have to be really careful because a rash usually forms on my arms...

I also get pretty bad headaches and the hot weather can also make me feel sick.
Reply 19
Lots of water. Heat is a potential cause of stress.