The Student Room Group

lumps/lymphnodes on my body

I had three expereinces like this, but I am not sure what they are.

About a year and a half ago, I had a pimple/insect bite on the back of my neck. It felt like an insect bite/pimple, but I coudlnt squeeze it out. It was painful when I put pressure on it. So I left it for a while, and in a few days, there was no more pain. But now (up too today, I can still feel a lump there, but no pain). It is under my skin.

Then about 8 months later, this happnened, just that is was on my chest.

About a few weeks later, and 7 months or so.... the same thing happened on my butt.

Please help me, why are there lumps under the skin of my body and it does not hurt?

Reply 1
I had three expereinces like this, but I am not sure what they are.

About a year and a half ago, I had a pimple/insect bite on the back of my neck. It felt like an insect bite/pimple, but I coudlnt squeeze it out. It was painful when I put pressure on it. So I left it for a while, and in a few days, there was no more pain. But now (up too today, I can still feel a lump there, but no pain). It is under my skin.

Then about 8 months later, this happnened, just that is was on my chest.

About a few weeks later, and 7 months or so.... the same thing happened on my butt.

Please help me, why are there lumps under the skin of my body and it does not hurt?

perhaps a trip to your GP may give you some better advice?
Reply 2
It don't know if it is likely to be anything serious but it might be worth poping down to your GP and seeing someone just to make sure.
Reply 3
Maybe I would consider it in the future. Can someone please help me. :smile:
Reply 4
Maybe I would consider it in the future. Can someone please help me. :smile:

what makes you think that anyone on this site is going to know what it is? Lumps can be anything, both serious and not..................your GP is your best source of information. Noone here is going to be able to diagnose you with the information you've given. If it is something serious (I'm not syaing it is but who knows) seeing your GP for early diagnosis and treatment is more likely to save your life than sitting around on a chat forum waiting for someone to diagnose you over the internet,

See your doctor
Reply 5
Ok, but if someone knows, please answer.
Reply 6
Okay, I did some searching on google, and i think it is just a Sebaceous cyst.

nothing harmful.
Reply 7
Sorry kiddo but doctors >>> google.
Okay, I did some searching on google, and i think it is just a Sebaceous cyst.

nothing harmful.

It's probably best to let a doctor diagnose you, rather than the internet.
Reply 9
please just go to your gp, it's not difficult to do, and if nothing else, would give you piece of mind.
Reply 10
I have one on my breast/near my arm pit and i went to the doctors as i was quite worried about it, it's quite large. After several tests including an ultrasound, turns out it is just a lymphnode. It's just excess tissue it isn't doing any harm, they were glad to see that i went to the doctors about it as i was worried. I would suggest visiting your GP, he's the only one who can help you there or refer you to specialists. I'm sure it's nothing serious just harmless lumps x
please just go to your gp, it's not difficult to do, and if nothing else, would give you piece of mind.

I'll give you a piece of MY mind! :p: hehe :biggrin: