Been through this and my post will b a little like a section from the Sun's Agony Uncle.
It seems from your original post that you stil love the guy. Nothing is more painful than a break up in which the other party still have feelings for the other person. My advice, as vague as it would be is to move on. However, the brealk up is rather questionable.
As a man mysef, the reason for the break up is not strong enough. I mean 2 years of going out. If you really had that strong relationship then a few arguments wouldn't actually caused the break up because al couples have arguments. I just think that your boyfriend have a hidden agenda for the break up that he isn't telling you. I mean If I was in his situation, I would probably do the same in order not to hurt you even more by telling you the real reason. Men are complicated. What I would advice is on Friday, be strong and don't be such a mess i.e. tell him straight you still love him. Try to have a normal chat and everything. Just think of him as a friend, hard as this will seem and ask him straight to his face, why did you ever broke up. I mean is the reason sufficient enough. then if he said yes, tell him that that means you two just wasted 2 years of your life just because of this really pathetic excuse. If he still don't tell the truth, he's not worth it. I mean would you actually want a relationship with a person who is dishonest and doesn't trust you.
It would be hard of course as I have fallen in love and fell out of love. What I would suggest is that spend more time with your real world friends rather than the TSR crew as although we can offer you advice, nothing beats an advice of a friend who have known you for ages.
Love is indeed pretty tricky. But falling in love to someone is easy but felling out of love is hard. Try your hardest to do this as it just seems, from my point of view, that he isn't worth it as he's blatantly lying to you. If he don't tell you the real answer move on, if he did then either you two can work on it or you can improve yourself not for him, but for you, and you alone.
When he said "i love you" on the phone, i do feel that he is lying. I have done it numerous tmes, awful it can be but it is an effective way of getting out of a very awkward conversation without us knowing how it affects girls.
anyway, when you talk to him on friday, make him feel comfortable so that he'l be able to tell the truth. no touchy feeling crying conversation coz we just hate that. Try to go to the pub actually! that'll actually work!