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Reply 1
I think only compliment them if you have something genuine that you like about them, their appearance, etc. Genuine enthusiasm should be obvious but you can always tell if it's faked!
Reply 2
No! Lol definitely do not pay them a compliment! this just cheapens their nice gesture... Just politely say thankyou but throw in a compliment or two :wink: the next time you meet! :smile:
Reply 3
In my case I generally argue against the compliment, seeing as how I hate them and they make me very uncomfortable. However this is the worst way to deal with them! lol!
Reply 4
Sometimes I disagree with them and tell them they're wrong, but generally I just say thanks and then go quiet, I don't really know how to react to them :redface:
Reply 5
If someone says "that's a really nice top" or "you look really good", I usually reply "Oh, I know" - jokingly, of course. Most people can tell by the way I say it that I'm being light hearted but those who don't can sod off :p:
Reply 6
If someone says, for example, 'you look really good' I usually say ' look a mess' or something, in a jokey way obv...makes themlaugh, but then you don't have the emarassment of all that over the top compliment paying, where you say it for the sake of it
like somebody else said, the best thing is to say thank you and move on. You won't look self obsessed or like you are fishing for more compliments and you won't sound false. If you want to compliment them at a later date then obviously thats cool too.
just say thanks. and dependiogn on who it was go quiet and shy lol
Reply 9
If someone says "that's a really nice top" or "you look really good", I usually reply "Oh, I know" - jokingly, of course. Most people can tell by the way I say it that I'm being light hearted but those who don't can sod off :p:

yep, oh wait..finnaly i can use.. :ditto:
I usually say thanks and then follow it up with something related to the compliment so as to continue the conversation..

E.g. "that top looks so good on you"

"Thanks, it was a bargain!"

E.g. "your dress is amazing"

"Thanks, yours is great too...where did you get it from?"
Reply 11
I get very embarrassed... I rarely have the words to say anything back... I hate compliments often as much as insults for the awkwardness/hurt... but secretly feel quite glad inside.
If someone says "that's a really nice top" or "you look really good", I usually reply "Oh, I know" - jokingly, of course. Most people can tell by the way I say it that I'm being light hearted but those who don't can sod off :p:

thats what i do, i say something like "yeah i already know", i say it in jest and it diffuses the possible arkwardness of the situation.
Reply 13
Smile, thanks, move on.


I love it when people pay me compliments! I always say thank you, even if they are just "faking" a compliment to catch my interest. If they are you can sooo tell, but I say thank you anyway and just ignore them afterwards lol
im incredibly **** with compliments, just dont know what to say at all, normally just a simple 'thanks'
Reply 16
Say thanks and go a bit shy.
Reply 17
Reply 18
I used to hate compliments, I really couldn't take them. Due to the attention being focused on you I suppose... and I'm not one for attention.

But my boyfriends helped me be more confident with it so I usually just say thanks and go quiet :redface: Then quickly change the conversation!
No one compliments me. :bawling: So if they did I'd mutter a very happy and ethusiastic 'thankyou!!'

Find it hilarious when people feel to the need to react to a compliment with another one.

'Ohhh I like your hair.'
'lolll1111!!! Thanks!! I like your uh, .....toe nails.'

Come one, its obviously fake. :biggrin: