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Comments on the component grades...

Hey guys. I just got my component grades, and I was amazed by how much I was moderated. My Business HL IA went from 21 down to 15. My ITGS SL Portfolio went from 24 to 16, and Project from 35 to 23! I think there's gonna be a lot of talking in our school. Also, for all Chem people. I got 33 for Paper 1, which ended up still being a 7. So... either they took out many questions or really decreased the grade boundaries. Coz last year you needed 38 and above to get a 7 (coming from the subject report).

Did anyone else get their results yet? If yes, any comments?

Take care

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Reply 1
I just got them too....most of my IAs were moderated, the highest moderation being 3 points down (Czech A), otherwise 2 pts. (bio, history), then 1 pt. (math SL, English B) ....anyways, I think my language A was screwed up this year - i got 85% overall which was a 6, the grade boundaries must have been incredibly high....but my teacher who's been teaching kids in the Czech Republic for ages (I finished the IB abroad, having had e-mail contact with him) said that e.g. clear 6 students got 5s etc. so I hope they'll do something about it:smile:
(edited 4 years ago)
I just got them too....most of my IAs were moderated, the highest moderation being 3 points down (Czech A), otherwise 2 pts. (bio, history), then 1 pt. (math SL, English B) ....anyways, I think my language A was screwed up this year - i got 85% overall which was a 6, the grade boundaries must have been incredibly high....but my teacher who's been teaching kids in the Czech Republic for ages (I finished the IB abroad, having had e-mail contact with him) said that e.g. clear 6 students got 5s etc. so I hope they'll do something about it:smile:

So I take it that you recieved the actual marks (e.g. 60 out of 70) for individual papers and internal assessments when the component grades were released? I was told by my IBC that I would only get the grade for each paper in each subject, not a detailed breakdown. Are the grade boundaries already available?
Reply 4
yeah I also got the actual marks for each paper (say 27/30 for P1 Bio, x/x P2, x/x internal assessment - that u get with ur teacher's grade + the moderated one) and btw. My coordinator isn't in the house either....his secretary sent it to me :biggrin: she loves me....
Reply 5
I got my component grades in the post yesterday but i don't have what each paper was out of so they haven't really shed much light for me. If anyone knows of the marks for each paper that will be most appriciated.

Reply 6
chem hl: p1 should be out off 40 but this year it is lower because ib took out some questions, p2 - out of 90, p3 - out of 50, IA - out of 48

maths hl: p1 - out of 120, p2 - out of 120, p3 - out of 60, IA - out of 40

english A1 sl: p1 - out of 25, p2 - out of 25, orals - out of 30, worldlit - out of 20

and yes, the grade boundaries are also out. but my ibc stopped answering my emails....
Reply 7
Where do you get your component grades? My results just has numbers out of 7
Reply 8
you have to ask your ibc. ib policy is not to give the grades directly to the students. however, they still give them to the ibcs. they also give them the grade boundaries.
Reply 9
not sure about ITGS, 24 is definately quite high.
my teacher used to be an ITGS moderator, he said that so many teachers given points out not following the critera. give a 5 in B background and C impact, where no development or trend of the issue was discussed and lack in describing the details. alot of the teachers in the world made this error. im not sure if your teacher did it too or not.
he quit being the moderator this year but he said he know the senior examiner well, so the grade he gave my class will most match the senior examiner.
Reply 10
I think there's gonna be a lot of talking in our school.

Oh yes, there will be.:biggrin:
Reply 11
you know... before i got my component grades i actually thought that my internal assessment would bring my grade up. however, in the end i saw that because of the moderation it brought it down. the thing is, i thought i did really well, and followed all the criteria. now, that i was moderated down a third of my original mark, i actually start thinking that i was wrong in terms of i was taught the wrong thing during the two years. i always knew my itgs teacher was crap. but i thought that his marking isn't that bad coz he follows all the criteria like crazy. he is obsessed with them... so the whole thing is still (and probably will stay) a mystery for me...
Reply 12
the saddest thing is that the school probably will do nothing to the teacher... he's been working there for 18 years or so, and there is unwritten policy that teachers who had been around for so long just don't get fired. and that's a shame.
Reply 13
thanks aluakz for the total marks for the ones you knew most helpful, thank you. If anyone out there knows env. systems sl spanish ab initio or psychology hl i would again be most appriciative
Reply 14
Aluakz, you seem to know these things...Do you know the grade boundaries for economics this year? (My IBC has refused to tell me anything until the beginning of Aug.)
ya .. please economics SL ..
Reply 16
sorry guys... economics isn't offered at our school. so i really have no idea. my ibc didn't reply to me yet, so right now i don't know any grade boundaries...
I need for my school to start in the new school year to get my component grades. sucks.
Reply 18 Ill find out soon enough anyway i suppose.

How many here are considering getting some of their papers remarked?
Reply 19
you know... before i got my component grades i actually thought that my internal assessment would bring my grade up. however, in the end i saw that because of the moderation it brought it down. the thing is, i thought i did really well, and followed all the criteria. now, that i was moderated down a third of my original mark, i actually start thinking that i was wrong in terms of i was taught the wrong thing during the two years. i always knew my itgs teacher was crap. but i thought that his marking isn't that bad coz he follows all the criteria like crazy. he is obsessed with them... so the whole thing is still (and probably will stay) a mystery for me...

your ITGS teacher might be mark too easy for you guys. i know he follows the critera but maybe its just not what the IB want. they want every schools to be marked the same, not too easy not too hard, thats why there are moderators.