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Another Pill question..

Ive been on the pill for roughly 6 months and have just had to run over two packs [with no break for a period] as i was going on holiday and it would just be easier. Now ive come back, im still on this 'run over' packet and ive just started what looks like my period. I know bleeding and spotting is likely when you do this, but i was just wondering whether i should stop this pack now, and have a period [abandon this pack and start a new one after] or continue until the pack is finished and then have another period. Im aware that this may be messing up my system a bit, but id rather not have a 2/3 week long period..
Reply 1
No. Finish the pack or you'll disrupt the contraception.

The bleeding probably won't get heavy if you continue taking the pills.
Reply 2
Yep it happens, carry on with the pack. If youre body's not used to runibg two packs together this is bound to happen. Dont worry about it, but if youre really worried, se your doctor for advice.
Reply 3
^^ Its the first time ive run them together so i assume thats why.
Thanks for the advice, no need to go to doctor- think ill just have to stick it out :smile:
Reply 4
Finish the packet as it would muck up the contraceptive cover
Hey while were on the topic, anyone on microgynon found that their boobs have gotten huge! I used to be a C/D cup when i was a bit bigger, lost a bit weight and went down to a B/C and now there about a D again!

Has anyone also found that they've lost weight since goin on this pill, and that their boobs absoluteley KILL for 2 weeks every month?


Reply 6
Hey while were on the topic, anyone on microgynon found that their boobs have gotten huge! I used to be a C/D cup when i was a bit bigger, lost a bit weight and went down to a B/C and now there about a D again!

Has anyone also found that they've lost weight since goin on this pill, and that their boobs absoluteley KILL for 2 weeks every month?



No. But I'm sure it's very nice to have lost weight and get bigger boobs, well done you.

Reply 7
Im on one called Yasmin, and i think ive gone from a D/DD to an E possibly bigger [need to be measured..] I lost weight at the beginning almost imediately, but none since then.
Reply 8
i'm on microgynon (green packets am i right??) havent experienced what you have but doesn't sound like a bad thing.
Reply 9
During the first few months I was on Microgynon, I put on a bit of weight due to the increased appetite it gives you. I've managed to control my eating and get back to my old eating habits, so I'm back to my original weight. I think my breasts have got a tiny bit bigger, but nothing significant.
Reply 10
continue the pack until the end :smile:
Reply 11
I'm pretty sure that if you're on Microgynon and on your second pack, you can stop whenever you want. As long as you take at least 21 pills in a row, you can take the 7 day break. I've been told that's okay, and I've stopped half way through my 2nd/3rd consecutive pack plenty of times.
Im on one called Yasmin, and i think ive gone from a D/DD to an E possibly bigger [need to be measured..] I lost weight at the beginning almost imediately, but none since then.

I'm on Yasmin too (after trying Microgynon and Ovysmen!) and my boobs have definitely got bigger... not by much (they're only a B anyways) but there's definitely an increase!!!

To the OP, you should always complete a pack, never stop taking pills until you finish the pack, even if it is after you've run two packs together. If you do stop, your protection will be affected, especially towards the end of the pack. I'd imagine your period is because it's the first time you've run two together and is normal, but if it continues for longer than normal or you're at all worried then go see a doctor. :smile:
I am on Microgynon and i have lost some weight around half a stone maybe a little bit more and also i went up a cup size as well