The Student Room Group

Ouch! Alot can happen in 2 days

Its a very long story, but I will try cut it down a bit. Situation:

Girl #1: I have been going out with her 1 year 3 months, but the last 2 months really have sucked. I havn't got much attention from her, she has been stressed by exams and other things taken it out on me, she has broken promises to me and in general hurt me. I have pretty much spent the last 3 weeks trying to think whether I still love her, or just love her memories... But last week she went off to spain, and I said i think we need a break sometime, bla bla so it happened.

Girl #2: Was at party with my girlfriend at the time (Girl #1). She got "busted" so to speak by girl #1 asking her "he's hot,who is he?". Neway I saw her a lot because I liked her as a friend, but then that moved on to me fancying her. About 3 weeks ago I had a party, and she got drunk and told me she had feelings for me. I was drunk said it was mutual. That didnt go down to well with Girl #1... But girl #2 went on holiday and we txtd a lot etc.

That just about puts the story up to monday. Basically I had talked to all my friends, done everything I could think of to try get some helpful advise, but no one seemed to be able to help. Only thing that was obvious was i had to make a decision.

So... on monday Girl #2 was having a party but because she only just got back from holiday, I spent the whole day with her because to be honest I missed her... Had a good day and then at about lunchtime something I hadnt planned happened, yup you guessed it we pulled. (Remebering that I am and was at that time on a break. So its not cheating before I get flamed for that. I dont cheat). We spent the whole day talking about what was going to happen. To be honest the choice was obvious because I really do get on with girl #2 and girl #1 seemed to be "old" so to speak, and was no longer working. I also did not want to lead girl#2 on and then not do anything.

So we decided to keep it quite until I had sorted it, because I wanted to be the person to tell girl#1. Its all about timing though... :frown: Anyone at the party later, we didnt pull or act couply (at least not IMO) however everyone said we were all over each other :confused:

Anyway to update the story, today i got a text from girl#1 saying she had got with 4 people bla bla details etc. I was not going to tell girl#1 until after her holiday, because to be honest I didnt want to ruin her holiday. But... i really didnt like keeping girl#2 in that situation nor having it all on my shoulders :frown:. So i told girl #1... Now i feel happy but kinda upset if that makes sense. I feel really bad about telling her but happy that i did.

So now girl#2 is now in France (On holiday AGAIN!!!) and girl#1 is in Spain... so I have a lot of time to brood over my decision and miss girl#2. To make things worse... both of them are going to Reading Festival this year with me, which will be very akward.

So in a way looking for advise on what to do at Reading, but mainly this was getting this of my chest. Im not sure what I feel, i feel like a bit of a ****, but also think i made the right choice... :frown:

And sorry for it actually ending up so long (and this is the cut down version!!!)
Reply 1
Dont camp with either of them. Its only a month away (well 35 days...woot!!) so holefully if you get with girl 2, you wont have time to get really close, and shouldnt be all coupley. Basically play it cool while you're there. I assume you're going with other mates too?
Reply 2
We are going a massive group of us, mainly Girl#2's friends in the sense they wanted me to get with girl#2.

Second point is that I am already with girl #2 now (quick turnover time huh? :s) and so far everything has already gone very fast. We are already close... so yeah...
Reply 3
Hmm, I dunno, send one of them to camp with me? Urm, I guess just try to act as friendly (ie uncoupley) as possible. And make sure you dont do much just he two of you. I camped with my boyfriend and his mates last year, and I can only think of on occasion over the whole weekend we were alone, other than in our tent, so it shouldnt be hard.
Reply 4
Are these the same girls involved in your 'new friend at a bad time' thread? Well I'm sorry to hear you gave up on your girlfriend :frown: Have fun at reading lol! Sounds like it will be interesting! :p:
Reply 5
"we were on a break!" /ross
Reply 6
Are these the same girls involved in your 'new friend at a bad time' thread? Well I'm sorry to hear you gave up on your girlfriend :frown: Have fun at reading lol! Sounds like it will be interesting! :p:

yup but then again there was a lot untold in all that mess as there is a lot here that could be said and has just been simplified. Mainly more reasons I shouldnt have been wit girl#1 and should have left her....

I guess I am upset that I have left her but in the end life is life... got to get on with it. I just feel like a male whore (lmfao) because of the "turnover" time...
Reply 7
iya, jus wana say i think its good u took time 2 come 2 terms with ya feelins, and if like u said u and ya gf wernt getin on 2 well id say u made the right decision, good u told her yaself n it didnt come 4rom some1 else tho. as 4 reading, id say dnt go acting like its going 2 be awkward jus act chilled out, and tht impression will rub off (if u get me) and not 4gettin u got like a month so tht gives u n girl#1 time 2 cool dwn, n come 2 terms with your current situation with girl#2, jus try to have a good time, what happens happens eh, good luck xx
Reply 8
I hope i made the right decision. Thanks for the confidence boost. :biggrin: i appreciate it
so are you still with the gf? do you think you'll stay with her? if not then she may not want to be with you at reading which kinda solves thing honestly
Reply 10
so are you still with the gf? do you think you'll stay with her? if not then she may not want to be with you at reading which kinda solves thing honestly

I am with girl #2 now. So that would make girl #1 my ex... thats what makes it akward
right i'm with you now..sorry the heat has turned me into a complete blond....just not capable of doing anything! well she may decide that she doesn't want to go with the two of you. has she got other friends going? is it a group of you going? she may camp with them....
Im going to Reading too, how about share the love and let me have one :smile:
Reply 13
Im going to Reading too, how about share the love and let me have one :smile:

haha good luck :wink:

anjimcflanji: It is a group of us, thats not the problem. Its just mainly girl #2's friends rather than girl #1's. So... yeah well. Either way we will be camping in the same area :{