The Student Room Group
I have eczema, and although it's not as bad as it used to be, I still have it. It's so scaly and horrible,and flakes off everywhere! Not nice! Me and my bf just laugh about it now, but I used to get embarrassed.

My bf also has acne, as diagnosed by the doctor (he gets tablet things now) but I don't mind at all, it definitely doesn't put me off him.Although I don't consider him to have acne, just a few spots...but his isn't as bad as some peoples, but it does get him down.
Reply 2
I have psoriasis - have had it since birth. It has no impact on my life what so ever, save for being a bit annoying occasionally.
Reply 3
I have psoriasis - have had it since birth. It has no impact on my life what so ever, save for being a bit annoying occasionally.

I have Plaque Psoriasis on my chest, I can't really take my shirt off without people noticing, how can it have no impact on your life :confused:
Reply 4
It really doesn't bother me.
Reply 5
okay well i just wanted to know if anyone has any skin conditions that they are worried about like acne, vitiligo or rosacea or anything and how they are coping with it and has it ever given you trouble in social situations when your around people or in realtionships?

Reply 6
i have psoriasis, on my elbows n back of my legs which is a bit of a pain and i used to always wear like trousers n long sleeves to cover it up, but now i just think im not fusssed, its not my folt ive got it and i shud wear wot i want to wear. and i should think myself lucky as my auntie has got it litterally all over her body. = not nice.

any1 recommend any good cream or woteva they use?
Reply 7
i have psoriasis, on my elbows n back of my legs which is a bit of a pain and i used to always wear like trousers n long sleeves to cover it up, but now i just think im not fusssed, its not my folt ive got it and i shud wear wot i want to wear. and i should think myself lucky as my auntie has got it litterally all over her body. = not nice.

any1 recommend any good cream or woteva they use?

E45 is made for sensitive skin and skin problems, I use the toner and facial moisturiser it prevents my acne.
E45 is not any good for psoriasis as it is simply a moisturiser. Try Alphosyl HC cream. It has really helped mine. ... x
Reply 9
my mum has psoriasis ans she has had puva treatment and takes tablets. Has similar stuff to the acetetrin injections in them i think. They haev made it so much better. She has tried all the creams going and they just dont get rid of it. Make it less scaly but nothing other than her current tratment has ever got rid of it completely.
I have got psoriasis on my arms, legs and scalp. an i have had problems in the past. for example when i worked on the deli counter at sainsburies, i had loads of comments and complaints about it, obviously they were increadable iggnorant people who thought i had some incredably contagious tropical skin condition, which it isn't. in the end i was kicked off deli because of it! the thing is, i don;t mind people asking me about it, but these custpmers would go to customer survaces, complain and not leave a name. to me that is just cowerdice! since then i haven;t had any problems, alot of people understand if you explain the situation!
I'm on acetretin treatment for mine. and its done the world of good!