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Reply 1
b) Paris in spring.
Reply 2
It doesn't have to be big. Something like finding out what her favorite flower is and buying her a bunch of them is good. :smile:
blue roses :love: never had one, but would love them :love:
Reply 4
I got taken to the Hilton Hotel in London for my birthday - for a great night of passionate loving.. and an expensive dinner for two at its finest restaurant where men wore suits and women wore gorgeous dresses :biggrin:
my best romantic day out was to london zoo and he tried to catch a squirrel for me. :biggrin:
Reply 6
home cooked dinner in a kitchen full of candles :biggrin:
btw make sure she doesnt see this thread thatd be not pretty :p:
Reply 7
although this could be considered overdone, a single rose is always nice to receive
Reply 8
Yeah, I guess I shot myself in the foot when I wrote 'any comments appreciated'!!!
Reply 9
a) Ma mister got me one of those giant daisies, that was pretty sweet as it was different from the rose stereotype and they're pretty 2. However, having to cart it round with you isn't the best thing either really.
Why not do something simple but together instead of it being one grand gesture from you so that - in the worst case- if she doesn't feel the same way then its not embarrassing etc..

b) climbing to the top of the cliffs/ mountains in the seychells (sp) in the early morning to watch the sun rise and the water glisten before he whisks me off my feet and......but then again that might not be a v.good idea! lol
Reply 10
Don't worry, The Office references weren't lost on some of us...
Reply 11
Never seen it
Reply 12
OOH just had very romantic idea. ALTHOUGH, probably impractical/difficult etc
Find a four leaf clover, and put in a box and tell her you spent time finding it etc. I'm pretty sure ANY girl would love such a gesture.

*Realises flaws and impracticalities of this*
good luck! haha
Reply 13
OOH just had very romantic idea. ALTHOUGH, probably impractical/difficult etc
Find a four leaf clover, and put in a box and tell her you spent time finding it etc. I'm pretty sure ANY girl would love such a gesture.

*Realises flaws and impracticalities of this*
good luck! haha

Didnt that happen on neighbours?
Reply 14
I'd go with finding out what her favourite flower is and getting her a bunch rather than going for the stereotypically "romantic" roses. If someone presented me with roses, I'd appreciate it, but if someone gave me tulips, I'd adore them.

I also like that catching a squirrel thing.
Reply 15
totally depends what kind of woman she is, she might not like it if it's obvious you are trying to impress her with money, although some people would like that, eg amywalters in the post somewhere above, so think hard what she specifically would like.

I just had an idea, why don't you leave her a treasure trail and at the end of it there can be a single tulip and a cute poem (that you obviously made up yourself!). Leave it in her house or somewhere totally unexpected, and hide the wee notes where she wouldn't see them normally, ie in a vase.
a) Sheep. I had a couple of little ornamental sheep, and I commented as joke how cool a flock of them would be. My guy was baffled as to why I spent money on ceramic sheep at all, but I came home the next day and found that my sheep had magically multiplied. :biggrin: My flock is definately coming to uni with me.

b) I'd quite like to go out on a warm night such as this one and just spend time together somewhere secluded under the stars...but I have work in the morning and he's ill and not terribly into the countryside anyway.

Unless you've been together quite a while, simple, low-key and original is probably best.
Reply 17
Didnt that happen on neighbours?

You should know, I'm a heavy neighbours fan, but i also like the idea :biggrin:
Reply 18

b) I'd quite like to go out on a warm night such as this one and just spend time together somewhere secluded under the stars...but I have work in the morning and he's ill and not terribly into the countryside anyway.

Unless you've been together quite a while, simple, low-key and original is probably best.

I've had a midnight stroll randomly once. Was very unexpected, and really nice.
Reply 19
blue roses :love: never had one, but would love them :love:

I've seen lilac roses before... about as close to blue as I've seen. Why don't you try and make a hybrid? Rub some pollen of like, a lilac rose onto a black rose, maybe? Haha, my Biology fails me, but it's worth a try! :biggrin:

Hmmm romantic gestures... I've heard of someone's from school - her boyfriend gave her a box full of rose petals, and hidden in the rose petals she found a lovely necklace. To this day I still remember it, which goes to show that I thought it was rather romantic! (it's been, 2, 3 years since I heard the story)

As for myself - my boyfriend recited a German poem that he knew for me (I love hearing people speak foreign languages), and then translated it into English for me. I only remember the last two lines cus I thought they were the sweetest. It went something like: You took the key, and now my heart must forever in you recide.

Don't remember the actual words or rhythm or rhyme, unfortunately. But that's the gist of the last 2 lines. :smile:

My ideal romantic fantasy... not sure, really. If my boyfriend got into his suit and waited for me to arrive, then upon my arrival, possibly at a lake or something, he could present me with a rose, kiss me on my forehead, nose and then lips and whisper to me how much he loves me. Then he could give me a poem he wrote himself just for me, and then we could have a picnic.

Or alternatively, all that could take place in my room and instead of the picnic, we could just cuddle in bed and fall asleep in each other's arms. I'd prefer that to food anyday.